
Examples Of Injustice In The Incarceration System

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Injustice in the Incarceration System
The United States “Justice” System was created to protect the rights of all its citizens and provide fair and just sentencing to those who have committed crimes. Our constitution and laws have insured that all crimes have a due process, regardless of who has committed the crime. Defendants will be prosecuted according to the interpretation of what the law states. I believe laws should be changed to truly reflect the intended purpose of fair and equal justice. When the Bill of Rights was added to the United States Constitution, the authors clearly intended to protect the rights of the people accused of crimes.
The United States, large prison population partly reflects strong sentencing practices contrary …show more content…

The problem is very big in United States, we have the largest population of people that have been incarcerated. The incarcerated population is 1.6 million people, and it is the highest incarceration rate in the world (2013, January 31).
The "school-to-prison pipeline" refers to the policies and practices that push our
United States school children, especially our at-risk children, out of classrooms and into the juvenile and criminal justice systems. Some of the most hurtful limitations to student futures are related to the lack of learning time, the unevenly negative effects on students of color and students with educational disabilities, and the increased challenges that come with entering the juvenile justice system. Students with educational disabilities are more than twice as likely to receive out-of-school suspensions than students without disabilities. In this group, black students with disabilities are at a greater risk than white students with disabilities (Elias, M.,2013). Failing public schools lead most students to prison due to poor resources.
Overcrowded classrooms, lack of qualified teachers, insufficient funding lead students into second-rate educational environments. The worse part is that some schools …show more content…

Our government only focuses on keeping them out of society. Authorities do not have a comprehensive exit plan for prisoners to be reintroduced into society. Mass incarceration and the length of prison sentencing is an issue that should be reconsidered, along with the code of behavior for how officers arrest and jail suspects. Various laws are not in favor

of minorities. For example, there is longer sentencing for the inexpensive drug crack. Crack is usually found in low socioeconomic communities, where there are many minorities. The possession of pure cocaine often receives a shorter sentence, it is found in richer communities and is usually used by white

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