
Examples Of Injustice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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“‘In our courts, when it’s a white man’s word against a black man’s, the white man always win. They’re ugly, but those are the facts of life’” (295). Atticus shows us that in Maycomb fairness and rights don’t matter if you’re black, because white people are thought of as far more superior than blacks. The people of Maycomb agree with each other, as for the Finches they are more understanding towards black rights. Harper Lee uses Tom Robinson in To Kill A Mockingbird to show us the injustices and the racial factors that occurred back then. Tom Robinson was accused of raping Mayella Ewell as for that a trial was set, and Atticus Finch was the defendant of Tom Robinson. Before the trial even began, Atticus already knew that he was going …show more content…

Atticus told his kids that he didn’t want to see them down at the trial but of course they didn’t listen and they went without him knowing. Everything seems to be going fine with the trial so far as Atticus is asking questions to Heck Tate the county sheriff and Bob Ewell the dad of Mayella. Jem got a bit excited when he thought that Atticus had got something on Bob Ewell that might prove Tom’s innocence but he was wrong. The trial goes on and now Atticus is talking to Mayella, she is easily offended by whatever Atticus is questioning about. She tells the story of Tom Robinson raping her but her story is very vague, and she’s telling Atticus that she doesn't recall some of the things that happened that day. Next Tom Robinson is on the stand and he tells the story from his point of view. Later on Jem sends Scout out with Dill because Dill started to cry because he was upset with the way Mr.Gilmer was talking to Tom. As they return to the court everyone is on their last statement about whether Tom did it or not. All of a sudden Atticus started to show nervousness, as he started loosening his tie, and unbuttoning his shirt. It was near the end of the trial and Tom Robinson was appointed guilty and the Finch kids were very

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