To begin with, the novel discusses injustice and racism in 1930s America. During the verdict of Tom Robinson’s trial, Scout describes Jem’s reaction when she says, “his [Jem’s] hands were white from gripping the balcony rail, and his shoulders jerked as if each ‘guilty’ was a separate stab between them” (282). Lee shows Jem struggling to figure out how unfair and prejudice the justice system is towards groups of people. It is important for ninth grades to learn about the unfairness of life. The novel also teaches that racism is unethical. After the death of Tom Robinson, Scout explains how some of the town treated the Robinson family by stating, “Mr. Link Deas made a job for Helen. He didn’t really need her, but he said he felt right bad about
Within Lee’s novel Jem and Scout live in a community that is evidently divided by social status. Jem and Scout must endure the ridicule of other children as their father, Atticus, defends Tom Robinson, innocent black man.
In this moment of courage and defiance, Scout fully realizes the extent of the racism and hatred that pervade Maycomb, as well as the importance of standing up for what is right and just. Her actions demonstrate her growing empathy and understanding towards those who are marginalized and oppressed, including Tom Robinson. By the end of the novel, Scout's feelings towards Tom have undergone a profound transformation. She no longer sees him as a mere black man, but as a symbol of resilience and integrity in the face of adversity. When Tom is unjustly killed while trying to
There are many examples of injustice that exist in our world. Harper Lee in her novel, To Kill A Mockingbird reveals injustice in her novel. Through the novel there are three main ideas about how the main characters deal with injustice that are, One must use their own conscience regardless of social norms, represent those who don't have a voice or one that is a minority, and that change does not come easily. The author develops the idea that the individual must stand up to injustice to demonstrate awareness of their own morals and values that can transcend conformity.
There are many ways children determine what is right and wrong while they are growing up. While the ways the ideas form may differ, it is consistent that their perspective of justice becomes more complex as their beliefs change. Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, suggests that a child’s view on justice becomes more complex as his or her beliefs change on what is right or wrong. In the novel, Jem’s view on justice drastically becomes more complex as his beliefs change.
The book To Kill a Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, has influenced me on the terrors and horrors of racism and segregation, and the pain peopled suffered. How people suffered and died because of their skin color. The story is about a white family called the Finches and the father (Atticus) tries to defend and fight for a African American man named Tom Robinson who was wrongly convicted for rape. Atticus fights for him in court and ends up losing the case and Tom goes to jail.
Justice. “the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness,” as stated by Justice is implied when something in the right thing to do, whether or not the decision is in favor of the receiver. Fairness. “the state, condition, or quality of being fair, or free from bias or injustice; evenhandedness,” as stated by Fairness is implied when something is fair and in favor of a person to benefit them. To most people justice and fairness are considered interchangeable.
The Injustice Some may assume that the race of others has no value to our society’s aspect of bringing justice to their people. Although, many of us have experienced a history class, and have learned the ways of white men and women in the early 1930’s. In the book, To Kill A Mockingbird the same attitudes and treatments are portrayed. Two of the characters, Tom Robinson and Boo Radley, encounter this and they show us how this conduct affects them. Tom and Boo endure social inequality throughout their lives, both of them for different reasons, but the obstacles they go through makes their struggle equal.
We read as the Finch kids come to a rude awakening about how their hometown interprets justice and how it can affect them and the people they care for. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee shows how prominent racism and injustice are in the mob’s attempted lynching, Bob and Mayella’s testimonies and Tom’s conviction. The attempted lynching of Mr. Robinson
The last idea that demonstrates the conflict between justice and fairness is the way Mayella Ewell treated Tom Robinson. Tom is a black man who is lower in status that Mayella, so it was the right thing for Tom to help Mayella every now and then with household chores. It was the just thing for Tom to help Mayella, but it was unfair of Mayella that she got Tom put in jail and eventually killed for committing a crime that he would never do. On page 263 Harper Lee wrote, “ ‘Then you were mighty polite to do all that chopping and hauling for her, weren’t you boy?’ ‘I was just tryin’ to help her out, suh.”
“‘In our courts, when it’s a white man’s word against a black man’s, the white man always win. They’re ugly, but those are the facts of life’” (295). Atticus shows us that in Maycomb fairness and rights don’t matter if you’re black, because white people are thought of as far more superior than blacks. The people of Maycomb agree with each other, as for the Finches they are more understanding towards black rights.
Injustice, we always have people that see injustices, some choose to write about it others choose not to. When we were reading to kill a mockingbird in class we were asked does America guarantee liberty for its citizens, for those of you who have not read the book. The book follows Scout a girl that lives in a rural city with lots of farmers, one day a poor man named Mr.Ewell claims that a black man named Tom Robinson raped his daughter, during the court session there was a lot of evidence pointing towards Mr.Ewell beating his daughter and Tom Robinson being innocent, but due to the prejudice of the people in the jury they voted him guilty, his punishment was to be hung, instead he tried to escape and was shot dead after multiple warnings.
Noemi S. Grooms, Mr. Johnson Adv. English G4/W7 May 13, 2024 True Justice The word justice is “the maintenance or the administration of that which is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignments of merited rewards or punishment.” It is also the “conformity to truth, fact or reason.” Despite this being a definition of justice, justice generalized is justice incomplete.
To Kill A Mockingbird details the coming-of-age of both Scout and her brother Jem as they start to realize that the town that they have grown up in is not as nice as it may seem. This all starts when their father, Atticus, who is a lawyer, takes on the case of Tom Robinson, an African American man who is accused of raping a white woman. Since this is the 1960’s not too many people take to kindly to this act, and because of it his family comes under fire from the community. Even though it was Atticus, who took on the Tom Robinson case, it was his family who suffered the most: from the harassment of the townsfolk, from their own inner fears of the trial, and even from the embarrassment that came from the trial.
To Kill a Mockingbird, a classic novel by Harper Lee, is a quintessential example of a novel that brings to light the social injustice that occurred throughout history. This social injustice is not only experienced by people of color, but also people that aren’t perceived as high class in society. Some people that face social injustice in To Kill a Mockingbird are the following: Tom Robinson, the Cunninghams, and Arthur Radley.
For our poster we chose 2 themes. The themes we chose were ´coming of age’ and ´injustice´. We chose these two themes because we feel that they are the ones that can tie in the most with the story. On our poster we put a picture of a dead mockingbird. The dead mockingbird symbolises Tom Robinson which ties in with our theme of injustice.