
Examples Of Instinct Theory Of Aggression

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Aggression is overt, often harmful, social interaction with the intention of inflicting damage or other unpleasantness upon another individual. It may occur either in retaliation or without provocation. In humans, frustration due to blocked goals can cause aggression. Human aggression can be classified into direct and indirect aggression, whilst the first is characterized by physical or verbal behaviour intended to cause harm to someone, the second one is characterized by a behaviour intended to harm social relations of an individual or a group. Aggression can take a variety of forms, which may be expressed physically, or communicated verbally or non-verbally. There are two subtypes of human aggression: (1) controlled-instrumental subtype (purposeful or …show more content…

In his earlier writings, Freud was of view that all human behaviour originates either directly or indirectly, the life instinct, which helps in reproduction of life.
According to the instinct theory of aggression, aggression is a global instinctive, steam boiler like force which Freud and his associates argue is urgently required and basically inevitable for self-preservation as well as reproduction. McDougall has also denoted the phenomenon of aggression in the instinct of combat on the basis of the instinct theory of aggression first postulated by Freud, Miller, Dollard and others.
The instinct theory of aggression holds that aggression is inherited and biological in nature and is expressed overtly and covertly i.e., outwardly and internally. Subsequently Freud had decided there is no use in trying to get rid of man’s aggressive inclinations.
His positive social proposals were to break up human societies in to small communities through which the aggressive instinct can find an outlet in enmity towards those outside the group in a conveniently and relatively harmless

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