
Examples Of Isolation In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Fitting into your environment often times is important to many. Feeling welcomed and accepted into an environment is an important part to happiness. The feeling of inferiority contributes to isolation or the feeling or need to challenge society's views on a specific type of stereotype that was placed upon a person. This, unfortunately is not the case for everyone in the small town of Maycomb. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird this idea is displayed with many characters that are coloured, not coloured, man or woman. Throughout the novel Scout, Boo Radley, and Tom Robinson are all representations of inferiority.

Often times, Scout is treated very differently than Jem. Since Scout is a girl, she is viewed as a delicate flower- sweet and innocent. …show more content…

Boo takes on the persona of almost a mystery to the kids. They have always wondered why he never came out of his home since he was in his teens. Boo made a decision to never come out because he never wanted to. This could have been for many reasons and many flaws about the town. Boo lived in such a town that was deeply rooted with racism and non acceptance towards anything to be considered not normal. His community has already labeled him and made the decision of how he is as a person and he feels the only way to deal with this is to just stay in his house and refuse to talk to people. Boo connected with Scout and Jem through leaving them small gifts under a tree that they would go to check every day. Boo had created such a strong connection with the kids because he views the kids as innocent, kind, and pure. Scout and Jem were too young to understand the racism and other problems that came along with living in Macomb and didn't exactly quite understand why being black or a woman automatically labels you as something. Boo admired their innocence and made a decision to open up to …show more content…

Tom is a single character that exposes how much racism and unfairness a coloured person has to experience every single day. Tom was put on trial for being accused of raping Mayella, Mr. Ewells daughter. Atticus provides sufficient evidence defending Tom Robinson by saying how is left hand was already broken from working at the cotton mill and also explaining how Tom is married and has a family. ADD ATTICUS'S QUOTE IN SPEECH The coloured people in Maycomb are viewed as less than human and are not accepted in their society. The black people could in ways be viewed as mocking birds. They do not harm the white people yet they get shot at anyways. Being coloured in Maycomb is not any easier than being a hunted animal. No matter what a coloured person does they will automatically be accused for doing something wrong. The segregations of coloured and non coloured folks in the town contributes to the feeling of not feeling welcome or fitting

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