
Examples Of Lighting In Oedipus

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The lighting in the film stood out to me as interesting. The first time I saw the film I did not think much about it, but after seeing it a few times I have made the connection between the lighting and the revelation of corruption in the film. Jake is a naïve character and that is an odd characteristic for a private investigator and former police officer to have. The film lighting begins as being harsh and bright. This is before any corruption is revealed in the story. The scenes slowly begin to darken as we are exposed to more of the corruption that is occurring. The scene where the change in lighting stands out the most to me is when Jake learns about the relationship between Noah, Evelyn, and Katherine. We know that Noah is corrupt in terms of the water ownership and land grabs, but he is also corrupt in his relationship with his daughter. Noah is a true villain and this scene proves it. Another scene where this is evident is when Jake confronts Noah and Noah says, “most people never have to face the fact that …show more content…

Oedipus married his mother and was warned of his future fate, but does not want to accept it. He realizes he has been blind to the truth for a long time and physically blinds himself. I related this to both Dunaway and Nicholson’s characters. Jake is blind to the corruption surrounding him for a large part of the film. This blindness is another indication that he is not the typical film noir detective. He is too involved in what he is investigating. I will go as far as to say that his love for Evelyn blinds him and eventually leads to her demise. The character of Evelyn also fits into the motif of vision. Early in the film, Jack notices that she has a defect in one of her eyes. This is a more literal example of vision than the one surrounding Jake. The cause of her death was also based on this idea because she dies because of a gunshot wound that exits her left

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