
Examples Of Loss Of Innocence In The Picture Of Dorian Gray

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Most people believe everyone is born with a certain amount of innocence and as time goes on, one’s experiences and peers shape his morals. Dorian Gray is a character who is a prime example of this belief system. In the tragic story of Dorian Gray, it shows how innocence is lost over time and morals are distorted. In his novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde delineates the loss of Dorian Gray’s innocence due to Lord Henry Wotton’s corruption as an indication that a focus on perpetual youth, vanity, and extravagant luxuries will deprave a person. Dorian Gray is introduced as a shy, innocent young man, but signs of moral corruption initially emerge following his introduction to Lord Henry. When Lord Henry explains how important youth …show more content…

Assuming most of the rumors are not true, Basil still thinks of his friend as a young man who may have strayed from his morals once or twice but still has a kind soul. Basil cannot accept the fact that Dorian has been corrupted and tries to reason with him: “You don’t want people to talk of you as something vile and degraded” (Wilde 153). Dorian attempts to dismiss Basil and refuses to listen to his advice. To prove how cruel he has become, Dorian takes Basil to the room the painting is being kept. Basil is appalled at who Dorian truly is and how wicked and vile Dorian’s soul has become. Speaking to Dorian, Basil says, “You worshipped yourself too much” (Wilde 162). As Dorian looks at the painting, a feeling of hatred for Basil is created. Dorian thinks that if Basil never painted the picture, Dorian would have never recognized his beauty. Dorian surprisingly stabs Basil repeatedly and feels almost giddy. He covers the painting once again and hires someone to dispose of Basil’s body. A literary critic describes The Picture of Dorian Gray as a “story of a man who destroys his own conscience” (Douglas 491). This statement proves true especially after Dorian murders Basil because Dorian does not feel any regret. The only time Dorian feels weary for committing this murder is when he is terrified of being caught. He becomes paranoid that people are looking through the window and can see Basil’s body and the bloody knife before they are cleaned up. This paranoia helps to lead to Dorian’s eventual

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