
Examples Of Magical Realism In 100 Years Of Solitude

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100 years of solitude is not necessarily written in chronological order. Parts of the novel may only be referred to and others are told more than once, making us feel like the sense of time turning in a series rather than a line. I think Garcia jumps from past to present, from past to present. It shows a circle pattern by which the Buendias family fall apart.
After reading chapters one through nine I began understanding the narrative style that Garcia used to write this novel. The narrative style Garcia uses in this novel seems to be magical realism. Magical realism is defined as a narrative technique in which the author emphasizes the fantastic quality of extraordinary events. Magical realism allows us to connect to the novel more and look pass reality. Time moves as we sometimes feel it moves in real life. In this novel we you know what is real and what is not real and what is actually happening in the novel since time is moving so weirdly. Magical realism expresses a reality that joins the magic that superstition and religion fill into the world. …show more content…

In chapter seven the traveling of the blood. Magically the blood from Jose seemed to leak from his body onto the floor and some way find its way to the street, highways etc. and passes Ursula and leads her to a trail where she finds her dead son. Another example in chapter seven is the missing wound. There was no wound found on Jose. The scent of gunpowder is also an example. The gunpowder scent lingered around the cemetery for years even after Jose was buried. There was a storm of tiny yellow flowers which is also an example. I have heard of snow, thunder/rain and hail storms but never of a flower

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