
Examples Of Mistakes In Antigone

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“All men make mistakes, but a good man yields when he knows his course is wrong, and repairs the evil: the only crime is pride.” This excerpt from Antigone is a very powerful statement. People will always make mistakes but it’s just about how you try to make up for them. I make mistakes all the time but I always try my hardest to do what I can to make it right. Making a mistake and not trying to correct it means you can’t admit when you’re wrong. Correcting a mistake makes you a better person for admitting you are wrong, not a weaker person.

In life you’re going to make mistakes. It is how you fix them that matters. In Antigone, mistakes are made throughout the whole play. Each time, the characters try to correct them. Even Creon, …show more content…

Even if it is just apologizing for something you have done, it can make a big difference in the minds of most people. It takes a big person to apologize for something, even though deep down you do not necessarily want to. In the mistake that I made recently, which I do not really want to get into details about, I wrote a letter to apologize for what I had done. I wanted to write it but at the same time I didn’t. I knew as soon as it happened that it was wrong and I should not have done it, but at the same time I am not really sure if I wanted to apologize for it. I knew it was the right thing to do and I was happy to do it because my mistake affected more than just myself, but honestly deep down I was kind of upset that I had to apologize to someone that I feel didn’t really deserve it. But in the end, you have to do what is right, not what you would rather do. So, I sucked it up and I wrote the letter and that is the end of it for me. I am moving on and I will never do it again because you have to learn from your mistakes and I realize I am a better person than that. Moving on is the last step in making a mistake better. Once you admit it and correct it, you have to be able to grow stronger and move on. Dwelling on the past and feeling sorry for yourself after making a mistake will not change anything. The mistake was still made and you now have to be able to live with yourself. Mistakes can honestly be a

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