
Examples Of Moral Truths In Hamlet

Decent Essays

Hamlet-moral truths Hamlet has shown there are many moral truths that we can pattern our life after. He has had a difficult life but he has taught many things that we can add to our life and in this essay, you will see some of those moral truths. “Neither a borrower or nor a lender be. For loan oft loses both itself and friend. And borrowing dulleth edge of husbandry. This above all, to thine own self be true. And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.” (page 22 Hamlet) He teaches hear that we do not borrow or lend what we have if we do the we may lose a friend. It can cause problems with you and your friend. Hence, what does it mean to be true to yourself? Can you fudge really, what you are saying or do you have to be completely honest with everyone. Including yourself. When you are honest with everyone then you do not have to worry that you are lying to yourself. …show more content…

Polonius was talking to the Queen and he asked her a few questions that were, “Doubt that the sun doth move: Doubt truth to be a liar, But never doubt I love.” (page 44 Hamlet) you may see that he is asking her to doubt, yet you may think that he is telling her that he does love. He does not say whom. When we tell people something, we should always tell them the truth, they would not have to doubt and there would not be any question of being true to our self. Hamlet also shows that you need to be teachable. He said, “That you must teach me. But let me conjure you by the rights of our fellowship by the consonancy of our youth, by the obligation of our ever preserved love, and by what more dear a better proposer , can charge you withal, be even and direct with me, whether you were sent for or not.” (page 49-50 Hamlet) He seems to be telling us that you need to be taught and be taught in a way that is very loving and it may come off very harsh yet you learn from others even if they are sent to you or

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