The movie, The Incredibles, focuses on the lives of the Parr family, which consists of Bob, Helen, Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack, and their not so ordinary lives doubling as superheroes. Bob, also known as Mr. Incredible, and Helen, also known as Elastigirl, have tried to keep the families super hero abilities under wraps since starting a family and after an incident involving Bob that led to the banning of all super heroes. Bob’s reminiscing of his old life as a super hero leads to him becoming once again involved in super hero activities as a way to escape from his mundane job and life and find the thrill of a life of adventure that he once had. Helen soon becomes suspicious of the changes she sees in Bob and begins to investigate. Once she finds out what is truly going on Bob has already found himself in some danger with the antagonist, Syndrome, and she comes to the rescue. What she does not know is that the kids, Violet and Dash, have also caught onto this and have decided to join in to help save the family and the world while getting to truly use their powers for the right reasons for the …show more content…
Narcissism is someone who is extremely obsessed with themselves and someone who wants admiration and is so selfish they will do whatever it takes to get what they want. Syndrome feels like he is the best and most powerful super ever and creates a persona of being powerful and better than others. He works to make sure everything he is surrounded with is top of the line and reflects it all back on himself. Syndrome wants to be the only super and will destroy everyone else on his way to get there. He works constantly to fulfill his inner desires and does not care how they affect others. This is seen when he releases a giant destructive robot into society just so he can defeat it and “save the day” and be a hero. He does not consider how this will affect innocent people and only considers the benefits it has for
(The Incredibles.)So the next day Mr. Incredible calls the number and she gives him the time, date, and place to appear to obtain the rest of the mission information. Mr Incredible refuses the call for help. He does this because he wants to work alone and that is his motto. (The Incredibles.)Buddy was his call for help. (The Incredibles.)Buddy wanted to be Mr. Incredible's sidekick, but because his motto is that he works alone he told Buddy “no”. (The Incredibles.)Buddy always found himself where the crime and Mr. Incredible was. (The Incredibles.)But all the times telling Buddy “no” turned Buddy against him.(The Incredibles.) Years later telling little Buddy “no” affected his future.(The Incredibles.) Buddy makes inventions that can out beat Mr. Incredible.(The Incredibles.) After taking a day to decide whether or not to cross the threshold behind his families back, he decides to go alone.(The Incredibles.) Mr. Incredible come closes to death s lot but he doesn't die. The underworld in this film is the volcano layer. (The Incredibles.)Mr. Incredible eats dinner there, and he meets with the assistant there.(The Incredibles.) Mr.Incredible's reward was being able to fight crime and use his super strength again. When he came back home from the volcano layer, he was much happier and more attentive. (The Incredibles.)He applied this at home by being more nice to his family and paying more attention. Now that Mr. Incredible is able to do what he likes
Narcissism is defined as the love of ones self. Sigmund Freud was the first to use the word to characterize certain character traits. He got the word from the Greek mythological legend Narcissus who saw his reflection in water and fell in love with himself. Freud suggests that all of us have a bit of self love, but when self love goes extreme it can be a problem and is considered a pathological problem. Nora from “The Doll House,” only exuded narcissistic behavior because she was treated like a doll. She was spoiled and only thought that that was how she was supposed to behave in order to get what she wanted or to please the men in her
He did this with the main point of his speech centering on how dangerous indifference can be to humankind.
It was hard for her to find out, but in the end where she talks to Uncle Frank she found out that Uncle Frank is her superman, and she had learn to distinguish between the real world and the fantasy world. She thinks it is okay to have a fantasy world as long as there is a balance between the two
In the movie, The Incredibles, many of the characters have apostolates. An apostolate is defined as the work of the laity toward building up the Church through initiatives and efforts that evangelize, educate, or serve the needs of others. This is the mission of the church, along with loving God and living as an example of Christ. Violet and Dash both embody their mission of apostolates by using their powers to build up their family and serving the needs of the public by saving them in the end of the movie. They both have unique powers and don’t understand those powers until they need to rely on them completely in order to live.
There is a standard way of looking at narcissism and it is generally associated with a negative connotation. The nature of Fitzgerald’s narcissistic vision in This Side of Paradise is quite unapologetic and straight-forward. Amory Blaine transitions from a selfish and narcissistic adolescent into a troubled, less narcissistic young man. The narrative distance between Fitzgerald and the main character is seemingly nonexistent; Amory has become known as a Fitzgerald-type character: an elitist, ambitious, and daring. Fitzgerald’s choice to intentionally include the other competing narcissists throughout the novel only broaden his egocentric vision.
In this article written by Joe Navarro, he explains what differentiates a narcissist from a psychopath. A narcissist overvalues themselves by devaluing others. They view themselves as "special, privileged, entitled, and void of flaws". He believes that they think they are incapable of making mistakes and taking responsibility. Narcissists believe they are above everyone else and no one is equal to them, they have an excessive interest in themselves and thinks the world revolves around them.
Children can find superheroes in people other than their family, too. Elsa finds a superhero in her neighbor, Alf. Alf promises Elsa’s grandma that he will look out for Elsa and take care of her. Alf keeps his promise, and therefore, he is a hero because he keeps his promises. An example of Alf taking care of Elsa, is when Elsa is in a bad area because she is delivering a letter to the lady in the black skirt. While Elsa is crying in the bad area, Alf comes to pick her up. When Elsa asks him why he is there, he replies, “Someone had to bloody pick you up. I’ve been driving a taxicab for thirty years, so I know you just don’t leave
Eventually, she develops the power to manipulate a force field to use as a weapon against villains. She is known as Invisible Girl early on, and later changes her name to Invisible woman. Johnny also known as the Human Torch, is the youngest of the group. He is self-centered at times and cares about fame a little too much. He’s also known for being a hot head, hence the super power to light himself on fire.
A narcissistic personality disorder is basically a person who feels that they have self-importance. The person thinks that they should have control and power above anything. The person is unable to mentally realize how much damage they are doing to others and themselves.
Aqua Anderson is an average teenaged-girl who discovers she has superpowers; she can create thunderstorms, as well as create her own lighting and bend it at her own will. After school, Aqua notices that she is running low on money. She needs to stop at her local bank to get some cash. While Aqua is waiting in line at the Bank of England, three masked men appear with guns and threaten to shoot if they do not give up all of the money that the bank has. Aqua's big, aqua-colored eyes widen even more as children are screaming and elderly are in a panic. Aqua thinks fast by sneaking off to the bathroom and cutting her beanie up as a mask. In that moment, she decides to become an unnamed superhero. After she successfully catches the criminals who
He is the person most insensitive to his true needs. The narcissist will have a pattern of (grandiosity), the need for admiration, and lack empathy, that will be present in early adulthood.
‘The Incredibles’ is an animated Pixar movie that focuses on two of Metroville’s superheroes who are married-- Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl (add more) The government creates a law stating that ALL superpower activities are prohibited. Consequently, they are obligated to conform to a “normal life” in their society and wind up assimilating to suburban life with their children Violet, Dash and Jack-Jack. After 15 years of living as a civilian and insurance claims specialist, Mr. Incredible decides to take advantage of the opportunity to live the life of a superhero proposed by a mysterious informant. However, it turns out to be a set-up by an adversary who once idolized him in his years as an adolescent. It’s up to his family to save him and the world from any danger that stands before them. In the movie, there are numerous ways the characters are portrayed as based on their ethnicity and power. The film ‘The Incredibles’ depict and display societal issues through the family’s inherited super powers, stereotypes in the movie, and what society defines a hero as.
The fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual describes personality disorders as being a pattern of enduring behavior and internal experiences that tends to digress a significant amount from the individual’s cultural and societal standards (Sadock, Kaplan & Sadock, 2015). This personality disorder is diagnosed in the presence of grandiosity and the need to be admired and appreciated. There is a chronic lack of empathy as well as inflated self-esteem and the belief that one is entitled to the adoration of others. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is classified under Cluster B, showcasing more erratic and emotional behavior which can be seen in the film American Psycho.
Pathological personality traits are broken down into Grandiosity and the need for attention. Narcissists are self-centered, entitled. They are self-absorbed and have an inflated sense of self. Believing that they are better than others and often showing superiority. They desire attention and admiration as well as being the center of attention. Constantly finding the need to find ways to attract attention in order to feel admired.