
Examples Of Narcissism In The Incredibles

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The movie, The Incredibles, focuses on the lives of the Parr family, which consists of Bob, Helen, Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack, and their not so ordinary lives doubling as superheroes. Bob, also known as Mr. Incredible, and Helen, also known as Elastigirl, have tried to keep the families super hero abilities under wraps since starting a family and after an incident involving Bob that led to the banning of all super heroes. Bob’s reminiscing of his old life as a super hero leads to him becoming once again involved in super hero activities as a way to escape from his mundane job and life and find the thrill of a life of adventure that he once had. Helen soon becomes suspicious of the changes she sees in Bob and begins to investigate. Once she finds out what is truly going on Bob has already found himself in some danger with the antagonist, Syndrome, and she comes to the rescue. What she does not know is that the kids, Violet and Dash, have also caught onto this and have decided to join in to help save the family and the world while getting to truly use their powers for the right reasons for the …show more content…

Narcissism is someone who is extremely obsessed with themselves and someone who wants admiration and is so selfish they will do whatever it takes to get what they want. Syndrome feels like he is the best and most powerful super ever and creates a persona of being powerful and better than others. He works to make sure everything he is surrounded with is top of the line and reflects it all back on himself. Syndrome wants to be the only super and will destroy everyone else on his way to get there. He works constantly to fulfill his inner desires and does not care how they affect others. This is seen when he releases a giant destructive robot into society just so he can defeat it and “save the day” and be a hero. He does not consider how this will affect innocent people and only considers the benefits it has for

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