Experimental method Vs. Naturalistic Observation
The question: Does playing violent video games increase aggressive behavior in children?
The experimental method will be conducted in a lab setting. I would use the scientific method for this experiment. Before starting the experiment I will state my hypothesis, which would be that violent videos will have no have no affect on the children’s behavior. Then I would design an experiment with a independent variable and a dependent variable. The independent variable would be the children given non-violent video games. The dependent variable would be the children give violent video games. The violent video games are Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty, while the non-violent video games are Super Mario Brothers and Mario Kart. Once I run the experiment and collect the data I will come up with a conclusion that would state whether or not my hypothesis came true.
The Naturalistic Observation would take place in a more natural environment, like an arcade or a video game room. I would not have a independent variable because I can not set up an control group. As far as collecting data goes I would write down and record the behavior of the children in the natural
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Two people can do the same thing but have different results. The one major strength is that you would get to observe in a natural setting. You would get a first hand look at the social behaviors of children and how they would react naturally. Sometime you can not get that in a lab. The one weakness in the experimental method is that you would not get a natural reaction from the participates. They would try to react a certain way from what you expect of them or they would change their behavior. One of the major strength is that you can have a control group when using the experimental method. It’s won’t be random, so you would know what to
My observation locations are Starbucks and restaurant. I chose them as my observation location because those are the places where people normally talk, study, socialize and interact in a casual manner.
variable is the violent behavior. What kind of cartoon will decide the different reflect on
Box 3.2: Why do it this way? is especially relevant, as it considers an important advantage of the experimental method. Chapter 6: No experiments are discussed in this chapter, however, the essay question requires you to discuss the value of experiments. Consider if there are certain aspects of human behaviour and/or performance that cannot be meaningfully investigated using experiments. What are the alternative methods of studying behaviour? Sections 2 and 3 of Chapter 6 are relevant in this respect.
| -They produce data on very specific, narrow topic i.e. the relationship between two variables-Experimenting on human beings in care situations raises difficult ethical issues (Moonie, Stretch, et al, 2003).-Participants usually know that they are in an experiment which may affect the behaviour they produce-It may be time consuming(Stanley, Boswell, et al, 2009).
Which author or institution is associated with coining the phrase, “the apartheid of schooling in America.”
Some children may not have any experience playing violent video games at all. (3) The gender of the children would also be a factor because usually boys are more likely to have a predisposition towards aggression than girls. Boys would also more likely have more experience playing certain kinds of video games, especially violent games, where there may be hitting or fighting. Violent video games would possibly affect boys more than girls and there is the possibility that some girls may have no experience or familiarity with violent video games at all. The background conditions of the child’s home environment would also contribute to the results garnered from the experiment. A child from a broken, dysfunctional home may have previously exposed to violence and may use violence and aggression as a way of natural expression as opposed to a child from a stable and enriched home environment. The child from a stable home may have a very different upbringing, being taught very early on to have a negative sentiment towards violence and though familiar with video games, may not even have been allowed or exposed to video games of a violent nature. These factors would affect Andersen’s findings and therefore need to be controlled in order to obtain an accurate result from the experiment.
The study was experimental because: 1) the researchers did manipulate the independent variables, and 2) Participants were randomly assigned to one of two groups.
Naturalistic observation involves recording subjects' naturally occurring behavior while they are in their natural environment. This experiment revolves around this type of observation. Specifically, it involves the observation of the various human dyads (male-female, male-male, female-female,) social interaction, within in a public environment. Focal points of observation included conversation space (distance between individuals heads,), and body language.
Naturalistic observational research is important because it allows researchers to observe people in a natural habitat without any variable manipulation. Most importantly in naturalistic observation, the researcher does not interfere with the situation in any way. Naturalistic observation can be structured or unstructured; for this study, unstructured naturalistic observation was mostly used. There were pre-determined characteristics that the researchers wrote down on a spreadsheet, however, specific behaviors were recorded as they happened (i.e., the type of reaction that resulted from each person who picked up the card). Naturalistic observation is important in psychological research because it gives insight into the natural behaviors of people. When a person is unaware they are being observed it reduces change in behavior, which can occur when if they are aware that they are being observed.
In order to study human development and perform naturalistic observation I went to the mall. I selected a 9-year-old white girl as the subject for my observation. I observed the subject for 30 minutes. During my observation the subject was not interrupted and was not aware of my study.
This essay examines the advantages and disadvantages of using a method primarily for gathering research on human subjects that can be examined for later use. It will give a basic outline of the methods of investigation, their uses and their suitability. I will also look at the scientific method as a whole and examine the criticisms of this method using the writings of Hume and Popper.
This paper is going to describe the behavioral and cognitive traits that can be inferred from that behavior of a two year old child that I observed in the park as she was playing with her mother. The child that I observed is a girl, has blonde hair and is physically well-developed for her age. She is around two, weighs approximately twenty (20) pounds and is about two (2) feet tall.
Experimental design research tends to use math and statistics to try to prove or disprove a hypothesis. Within an experimental design most of the research is controlled and leaves little room for error. One advantage of experimental design is that it is hard to disprove the results. However, a disadvantage is that because the conditions are controlled that makes the results too perfect. If the same experiment was conducted in an uncontrolled setting, such as the real world, the results would vary.
Observational research is type of correlational (i.e., nonexperimental) research in which a researcher observes ongoing behavior. There are a variety of types of observational research, each of which has both strengths and weaknesses. These types are organized below by the extent to which an experimenter intrudes upon or controls the environment.
We could classify this experiment as a case study since we will be testing if our hypothesis works in the real world by gathering subjects and performing our experiment. This method will help us do an in depth study about our hypothesis.