
Examples Of Pacifism In Catcher In The Rye

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As we observe Holden throughout the the novel, it becomes quite clear that Holden wants us to believe that he is a tough guy, who has this ‘I don’t care about anything’ attitude. If you do perceive that Holden is a tough guy then what he says on page 45 might take you back, for a second. Holden and Stradlater get into a fight, and as Holden notices the blood on his face an clothes He says “It partly scared me and it partly fascinated me. All that blood sort of made me look tough…. I’m a pacifist, if you want to know the truth.” When I first read this, it surprised me that Holden was a pacifist because he seems like the kind of person who would get into a handful of arguments, that might not end with a friendly hug. This quote shows us that

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