Peaceful resistance is a weapon that the citizens can use to protest wrongdoings of government, or people in power. It knows no bounds, being practiced internationally, in this essay I will show examples of cases on an international scale. Equality is a war we’ve been fighting for as a nation, and peaceful resistance was such a huge part to help us take steps in the right direction. In terms of America, racial equality was the hardest fought battle, which was won on the premise of peaceful resistance. Leaders like MLK Jr. highlighted the strength we have as a mass, and if we come together to say “no” none could come in our way. In King’s own words “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” showing us that we have to right injustices and use civil disobedience to beat those injustices, as he did. America was built on the idea of the people having the power, and a unified voice has all the strength. Peaceful resistance like protesting have been used by groups to plead for change, examples of groups are LGBT, W.O.W., Black Lives Matter, and so many more. Each group has seen massive change in the last twenty years. …show more content…
It can be used in incorrect ways by people who are ill informed, or not informed at all. Even with this setback it is still the greatest way for the citizens to stop injustices done unto them by the government. Mahatma Gandhi, a single man who showed a whole nation the power of civil disobedience. Leading the charge of the Indian Independence Movement against the British who have taken over, and gaining results without violence. His ideology won't ever be forgotten. None should be ignorant to his deeds, and the people he has helped to
The battle against injustice has happened throughout history many times, but the decisions on how we as people, or a nation, take action on the matter that creates a message across the world. During the Civil Rights Movement, the tactic of non-violence was used as a tool by the leaders, most used by Martin Luther King Jr. Some of the nonviolence acts that Jr. used as tools were petitions, speeches, art, and marches. These acts were not used to create brawls among people, but rather to create peace. The ‘weapons’ used crafted symbolic actions that showed the disapproval of the group trying to diminish segregation. During
The 1963 March on Washington was one of American’s very memorable, large-scale peace-rallies supporting these goals - this one with the goal to showcase an interest in ending racial prejudice, and to support the Civil Rights Bill. It was during this march that Dr. King gave his memorable, televised, and uplifting, “I Have a Dream” speech.1 Other protest groups and marches occurred with a similar goal. For instance, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee was created to connect with younger folk interested in protesting primarily through sit-ins, boycotts, marches, and freedom rides, with a focus on nonviolence “… appealing to conscience and standing on the moral nature of human existence…”2 "The purpose”…in Alabama, according to King, was “to create a situation so crisis-packed that it will inevitably open the door to negotiation".3 The Alabama march began in Selma, and moved to Montgomery where the protesters were met by police with guard
Peaceful resistance positively impacts a free society, particularly in a Democracy such as the United States. Abraham Lincoln famously described our national foundation as a “government of the people, by the people, for the people”, and for such a statement to be true, it is necessary that voices of US citizens be heard.
One of the reasons Martin Luther King Jr.’s bold actions made a positive change in the world is because he inspired many people to stand up for their rights. Martin Luther King Jr. inspired many with his “I Have a Dream” Speech. “Approximately 250,000 people marched on Washington, DC, to raise the nation’s consciousness of civil rights and to encourage the passage of the Civil Rights Bill before congress at that time” ( The march included many civil rights organizations. In his speech he told everyone that he had a dream of the whole nation treating all men as equals.
Peaceful Resistance has had its place in many societies around the world for centuries. Examples of this powerful political tool exist from the Roman Plebeians refusing to work in order to bring change to the harsh Roman consul to the notorious Indian Independence movement led by Mohandas Gandhi. Peaceful Resistance is not only effective through its influential and compelling tactics, but it is absolutely necessary when those in power refuse to acknowledge the issues in front of them. In order to advance anything, attention has to be brought to the issue at hand. Without people willing to be peacefully passionate, there will be no LASTING change. Laws are put in place to protect people, however when that protection discriminates or takes away
The history of American, non violent, civil disobedience depicts how peaceful resistance can shape public opinion, voice dissent, and change unjust laws. In both Contemporary and past history do we see the role that protest has on our Democracy,and how dissenters, such as Susan B Anthony and Martin Luther King Jr, can become American heroes. The United States was founded on an act of civil disobedience, and even in Modern America, principled dissent has become the highest form of
One specific example of how peaceful resistance had a positive influence on society was on May 4, 1961. This is the time where the Freedom Rides occurred which are series of bus trips that traveled through the American South to protest against segregation in the interstate bus terminals. The people who took these trips were known as the Freedom Riders. Their plan was to go to New Orleans, Louisiana, to celebrate the seventh anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board of Education decision, which ruled that segregation of the nation’s public schools were unconstitutional. The main goal was to test a 1960 decision by the Supreme Court in Boynton v. Virginia that segregation of interstate transportation facilities, including bus terminals, was unconstitutional as well.
In the 1950s till present day we still use nonviolent resistance to stand up for what we believe is right. Nonviolent resistant protests were one way for Civil Rights leaders used to advance their cause in the 1950s and 1960s. These protests lead to the Civil Rights act of 1964. This act outlawed discrimination based on color, race, religion, sex, or national origin. It starts with civil disobedience, which is the act of opposing a law one considers unjust and peacefully disobeying it while accepting the consequences. This was the case in some protests where they felt laws were unfair, unjust, and unconstitutional. I believe that peaceful resistance to laws positively impacts a free society using the Montgomery Bus Boycott, The March on Washington, and the Salt March as my three examples of nonviolent resistance protests that positively impacted a free society.
Peaceful resistance to laws is one of the strongest and most important foundations of a free society. Countless peaceful demonstrations have been led in the history of the United States, with positive outcomes that have helped shape the country.
Over time there have been many admirable protestors who have made meaningful changes to the manner in which the world is today, some for the better and some for the worse. One of the most operative and consequential protestors was a man by the name of Martin Luther King Jr. He had monumental courage and passion to vanquish segregation and racism that existed in the United States
In order to adequately frame the concept of non-violent resistance, one must first begin by examining the historical context in which it was first conceived and the goals it was originally designed to achieve. According to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, the goal of non-violent resistance is “not to defeat anyone, but to create friendship and understanding.” (Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story)
For many years people always used to violent resistance as their main tactic in protesting unjust laws. However, more and more people are leaning towards nonviolence resistance. Meanwhile, others question whether or not nonviolent resistance is justified. Individuals such as Martin Luther King Jr. and the Liberian women from Pray the Devil back to Hell claim that nonviolence resistance is justified because it is peaceful and effective. Although some may say that a nonviolent resistance is no difference from a violent resistance they are wrong, because nonviolent resistance is peaceful.
Peaceful resistance is a major part of American history, from the American Revolution to the 1960’s Civil Rights Movement to the Travel Ban protests of today. These instances of peaceful resistance shape American society for the better, as the voices of minorities are heard and unjust laws are ended. Peaceful resistance does positively impact a free society, as supported by Henry Thoreau, demonstrated by the 1960 Civil Rights Movement, and anticipated by protests of today.
Overall, Peaceful resistance has a positive impact on a free society. Because it is a human being’s duty to lead a life in a just manner, no matter the consequence. If a person cannot fight with hatred and fear, they must prosper in peace and
Famous movements like the civil rights movement participated in peaceful resistance. This Movement fought against discrimination, and fought for America to fulfill its promise that “All men are created equal”. Civil Rights leaders like Dr.Martin Luther King held peaceful protest because he believed that violence was not the answer. Marches and protest were held to hopefully change the law of segregation.