Perseverance Through Pain Pain is a very large obstacle that has many difficulties, which requires perseverance to overcome. In the novel, The Call of the Wild, Buck the dog, went through substantial amounts of pain. Including beatings, losing loved ones, and harsh winters, in all of these events Buck had to persevere through pain. In contrast, my mother was in a terrifying car crash and had to get past all of the misery and pain. While Buck and my mother encountered different experiences, they both had to persevere past the harsh pain. Overall, everyone in this world will have to persevere through difficult obstacles, it takes a lot to get past the challenges that come. In the book The Call of the Wild, Buck had to overcome arduous pain while persevering through it and not giving up. One of these events includes, being struck with a club. On page 12 Jack London stated, “The man struck the shrewd blow he had purposely withheld for so long, and Buck crumpled up and went …show more content…
One of these would be, that my mother had to conquer all of the emotions from the car accident. While in the hospital, the doctor told my mother how she might not live through this severe accident. The doctor also told her that she might not walk again. But, in the end my mother overcame these events and was able to get past these hardships. In addition, my mother had to get past all of the pain from the car accident. By this motor vehicle accident she broke everything from the waist down in her body which caused harsh pain for many months. Not to mention, my mother had to heal through this event. After being in ICU for two weeks she had to go to a rehab hospital. During this time, my mother went from a wheelchair, to a walker, cane, and then being able to walk again after six months. In other words, both my mother and Buck had to persevere through the severe pain they
Perseverance is an important theme in A Long Walk to Water. Salva has to persevere through his doubt, pain, and fear. One example of Salva showing perseverance is when he doubts that his family is alive. He realizes that they would have wanted him to live so he puts his sadness behind him and decides to move on. This shows that Salva perseveres through doubt and that he is persistent. Another example is when Salva decides to keep walking and pushing through the pain of his chipped nail and thorns in his feet. This proves that Salva perseveres through pain and he is determined. Being determined is also showing perseverance Salva was determined to keeping walking even though he is in a lot of pain. The last example is when Salva is scared to
Moving to a new place and starting something new in life can take perseverance to get used to and adjust. In the story of The Call of the Wild, Buck the dog is kidnapped and sold into a new life where he has to adapt and learn lessons through difficult situations. In contrast to Buck, my mother had to raise her young daughter through poverty and school which took perseverance. While my mother’s challenges weren’t as life threatening or severe, she moved to a new place and had to adapt to her new schooling with dealing with the struggle of raising a child. Like my mother, Buck was put into a new area and new job that he had to adapt to, while dealing with the extra problems such as fighting with dogs and getting new owners. Overall, Buck and my mother both had to persevere through tough times, whether it was getting a degree and taking care of a kid, or
Enduring and persevering through the snares of life is not always easy. Perseverance is not giving up despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. In the novel Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, the characters face troubles and difficult situations. Louie in particular does not give up although all hope seems lost. Louie exemplifies perseverance through his experience in Olympic running, in the army, and in the ocean.
Jack London brings a natural instinct into the spotlight by defining that everyone has that primal call to the wild, and often one feels this when in a difficult situation. Giving into this ‘call of the wild’ leads to a different kind of adaptation, it makes you become primal to survive in a primal situation. Further into the book it states, “The others sat down and howled. And now the call came to Buck in unmistakable accents. He, too, sad down and howled.” (London, 1990, p.62). This is the defining moment of Jack’s book when Buck lets go of all ties to humans and decides to carve his own path, adapting the way he needs to, not the way that humans encouraged him. Soon, Buck changes himself completely to fit snugly into the environment and to prevent further torturous struggles with humans. These quotes combine to paint a picture of total and complete change when it comes to a new and unfavorable environment.
First, Buck has to prove not only himself but also his strength. For example, Buck has to pull a 1,000 pound sled for 100 yards, in result of this he wins John and his new companions $1,600, which they take with them to look for gold. Since, Buck learns that he can do anything he puts his mind to, and he has the strength to carry on. Next, Buck has to adapt to being in the wild. For instance, Buck comes face to face with a black bear, moose, and wolverines. Since, Buck kills anything that is in way and adapts to all of the deadly situations. Last, Buck has to take care of himself after losing his master. For example, John after dies from getting attacked by the Yeehats Buck goes to where he died and howls once each year on the anniversary of his death. Since, Buck lives on with his life in the wild and is the leader of a wolf
Perseverance is something that everyone experiences in their life. The definition of perseverance is “steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.”. Perseverance is a big theme in the story “Into the Wild” by John Krakauer. Chris McCandless had to go through a lot of perseverance to get to Alaska. When Chris first started his adventure he needed to break free from the high life style that he was raised in, also the abuse and lies his father has caused on him and his family.