Enduring and persevering through the snares of life is not always easy. Perseverance is not giving up despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. In the novel Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, the characters face troubles and difficult situations. Louie in particular does not give up although all hope seems lost. Louie exemplifies perseverance through his experience in Olympic running, in the army, and in the ocean. Louie shows perseverance in the Olympic race. Hillenbrand writes, “In terrible pain, he took a staggering step off the track …he had no resistance to offer. Still he ran on” (Hillenbrand 26). This shows his perseverance because although Louie is in pain, he did not give up. Instead he kept running, enduring through his pain. Hillenbrand mentions, “But he had nothing to lose. He trained so hard that he rubbed the skin right off one of his toes, leaving his sock bloody” (Hillenbrand 23). Louie trained so hard that his skin had rubbed off. This shows Louie’s perseverance because even though he felt pain, he did not stop training because he was determined to win the Olympic race. …show more content…
Hillenbrand writes, “…his mind briefly registered that all of them were about to die…Louie kept his focus below, trying to aim for the parked planes” (Hillenbrand 98). Even though the Super Man crew was in a dangerous situation, Louie still focuses on his duty. This shows his attribute of perseverance because Louie continues to persist through instead of giving up. Hillenbrand describes, “Louie grabbed Brooks by the wrists and pulled him into a seated position. Brooks slumped forward, and Louie could see holes dotting the back of his jacket. There was blood in his hair” (Hillenbrand 102). Despite the dangerous and tough situation, Louie still helps up Brooks. This shows Louie’s perseverance because although the Super Man crew is in a near-to-death situation, Louie still chooses to help
Louie Zamperini was a troubled boy who grew up to become a forgiving and persistent man. When Louie was a child, he would run from his problems, but soon his brother, Pete, noticed his potential. Louie ran for the track team and was accepted into the Olympics. The Olympics were canceled and he decided to join the air force. When on the plane, it went down and he was now stranded at sea with two other men. They were rescued many days later, and imprisoned by the Japanese soldiers. They went from camp to camp, abused almost all the time. This book, Unbroken, written by Laura Hillenbrand, contains the very true information about Louie Zamperini and his life journey. Throughout it you can see that Louie
During the seminar, someone asked: “Was Louie truly unbroken throughout the book?” Although this book was titled Unbroken, I believe the protagonist Louie had the spirit of being unbroken but didn’t stay unbroken throughout the book. First of all, one example of Louie having the unbroken spirit was when he was told to hold the six foot beam by the Bird. When Louie was slowly sliding into unconsciousness holding the beam, he thought: “He cannot break me” (302). Malnutrition, sickness, and other physical conditions were possessed by Louie that day, but he somehow managed to hold the beam for 37 minutes. However, Louie did not stay unbroken throughout the novel. Furthermore, the author lets us see the ‘broken Louie’ in Part V. In the beginning
He needed strength to keep going throughout the story. When Louie was in the camps he needed strength through his beatings, and after he was rescued, images of the camps haunting him in his mind. One way Louie showed strength was on page 145 it read, “Louie was asked who’d win the war. ‘America.’... A fist connected with Louie’s nose, and he felt a crunch… He’d pushed the bones back in place with his fingers on the journey.” Louie was very strong, when he said that America would win he got punched in the nose, and his bones shattered. Although along the way he pushed the bones right back in place. Another way Louie showed strength was it said, “Louie walked up a long road, toward a complex of buildings. His whole body tingled. On the entrance archway were the words SUGAMO PRISON, and beyond it awaited Louie’s POW camp guards. Louie had returned to Japan” (271). Louie went to see the POW guards that had dehumanized him while he was in the camps, you would think that Louie would’ve hurt them but instead he was raptured and forgave them for what they had done.When Louie wanted to go meet the Bird, the book says, “‘Six hundred prisoner,’ he said. ‘Zamperini number one’... He called beatings ‘unavoidable.’ Told that Louie wished to come offer forgiveness” (280). Louie wanted to meet with the Bird, the most abusive guard in the camp, showing his strength that he kept throughout his time. Louie had strength during the camps and even more when
Louie Zamperini demonstrates perseverance all throughout his life. For example, when Louie was training for track, he worked all day. As said in Unbroken, “[Louie] trained so hard that he rubbed the skin right off one of his toes, leaving his sock bloody. (1.3.9)”, is one many may glimpse over without giving it much thought. But, this quote shows how much Louie wanted to win, how much he needed to be number one. Louie would work until he was physically beat, but by analyzing this quote for just a moment more, one would realize that although he was physically hurting, his inner strength was stronger than ever. He knew what he wanted and was going to work until he got it. Louie’s perseverance in all that he
Many people might say rebellious children should be stopped, but in hindsight of all that the little bit of rebelling can make a large difference. Determination in sights of distress might be the only way to cope with the hardships. In the novel, Unbroken Laura Hillenbrand, uses Louie´s life experiences to show his two most important traits: rebellion, and determination.
However, the book is called Unbroken, for a reason not broken.”Louie was a marked boy. Bullies, drawn by his oddity and hoping to goad him into uttering italian curses, pelted him with rocks, taunted him, and kicked him.”(Hillenbrand 27) This is not only sad but it foreshadows the similar suffering and treatment he will experience as a castaway and POW. Though louie suffers as a child, teen, and adult. He also suffers as a runner “A coach told Louie that some of his rival coaches were ordering their runners to sharpen their spikes and slash him.”(Hillenbrand 43) This actually happened, the pain Louie suffered during his running career helped him develop a can do attitude which helped him survive throughout all his suffering in his life to come. Though Louie suffers over and over again he does not let these actions or events keep him
Louie and Phil used all of their strength to overcome the obstacles they went through, both physically and mentally. Their physical strength was tested throughout their entire journey. Being stranded on the ocean took the initial toll on Louie and Phil’s bodies by diminishing them down to 67-87 and 80 pounds, respectively. Both of them had weighed around 150 pounds when they had crashed. Louie’s mental strength was tested as well. He started to have hallucinations of people singing in the clouds, most likely due to dehydration. The two retained their strength though, by focusing on their survival and trying to remain sane. Their optimism also had a great influence on how strong they were. In Ruth Robertson’s (2016) article “The Strength of Optimism” she states, “There are many benefits to having a more optimistic mindset. Research tells us that it can lengthen your life, determine how you overcome life’s obstacles, build resilience and manage the risks of developing depressive disorders and other mental health issues” (para. 3). Robertson is saying that optimism can help you through the hard times that life throws at us. A positive mindset can transform a life or death situation. Louie even retained a lot of physical strength while he was in the prisoner of war camps. Near the end of his imprisonment he would have to carry literal tons back and forth for hours. The Bird, one of the Japanese guards and Louie’s worst
Perseverance is the quality that allows someone to continue trying to do something even though it is difficult. When it comes to perseverance, it does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop. The novel, "The Alchemist", by Paulo Coelho is about a young boy named Santiago who has set out to find his personal legend. Times get hard, and it takes him a while, but his perseverance pulls through. Perseverance is the most powerful theme in this novel because it allows Santiago to achieve his personal legend, makes him find his true love, and he learns the language of the world.
Part of perseverance is staying alive. Survival of the fittest is the best example of this because when Buck gets kidnapped from his easy life at the estate and then thrown into different environments and situations like becoming part of a dogsled group, he adapts and survives. When Buck first started out, he was just another dog who was near the top of the pack, but was not at the top. A dog named Spitz was at the top, always had been, and it seemed as if he always would be. Spitz despised Buck and vise-versa. They did not get along and disagreed on almost everything. One day; however, Buck and Spitz got into a fight like any other dog. The stakes at which dogs fought were that winner gets to stay alive and the loser dies,
According to dictionary .com, perseverance means that steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, especially in a spite of difficulties, obstacle, and discouragement.
Perseverance is found throughout the world and you can see that in these stories. From a group of boys who traveled across the world to a man born without limbs bringing peace, perseverance is such a powerful thing. Even poems only 20 lines long can show the strife of a person lost without perseverance. So in the end, without perseverance, we wouldn’t have the power to push through, and have the liberties that we have
Perseverance: “A steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement” (Perseverance, 1). If there is any one person who displays perseverance, it is Nick Vujucic. Vujucic, despite normal ultrasounds and a healthy prenatal period, was born without any arms or legs. Going through the events of one’s day, it is extremely difficult to come up with more than two actions that were completed without using the appendages. A huge setback was placed on Vujucic’s life before he was even old enough to
Perseverance is key in nonfiction books and since it's a real person’s experience it makes it more powerful for the reader and it's easier to relate so it makes you want to do the same action if you were in a similar situation. The reader’s response is important because that’s the point of writing these texts, to persuade and inspire other people to do the same because that could in the end make the world a better place, which
After that their own problems don’t seem so bad after all. Unbroken makes people look back on their lives and rethink all of the tragedies they have been through and realize they could have been worse. Louie’s plane crashes in the Pacific Ocean where he survives an incredible 47 days adrift in a raft. Just when there is hope of being rescued he is capture by the Japanese navy and sent to a POW camp. Louie was better off adrift in the middle of the ocean.
Perseverance is not a long race; it is short races one after the other. So, what does perseverance mean exactly? The dictionary says that perseverance is steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. Synonyms for the word perseverance is dedication and persistence. Antonyms would be weakness and giving up. Perseverance is what gets people through the hardships in life without the situation dragging them down. Perseverance is everywhere, it can be little conditions such as a person might not appreciate the job they have been given but knows it needs to be done so they persevere and make the best of the job. It can also be seen in big situations such medical issues with cancer for example, a person is so sick from all the radiation and chemo being put in their body but they want to live. So, they have to persevere through the pain and constant sickness to fight for their life. Three real people that have shown perseverance in their day to day life. They are Malala Yousafzai, Temple Grandin, and Laura Schroff. Malala Yousafzai is a girl who has to persevere as she stands up to the Taliban and fights for the rights for girls to attend school. Temple Grandin has autism, yet she has changed the face of agriculture, since she has a disability no one wanted to listen to her ideas. She has to persevere everyday as she has to convince people that her ideas are good, even though she gets knocked down most times. Laura Schroff met a boy named Maurice; Laura and Maurice both have to persevere everyday, Maurice more than Laura, but they both have to help one another to keep on going. Nonfiction literature shows people how important it is to have perseverance when they are faced with struggles, it helps people to better understand how to get through the issues they are faced with everyday.