
Examples Of Perseverance In Unbroken By Laura Hillenbrand

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Enduring and persevering through the snares of life is not always easy. Perseverance is not giving up despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. In the novel Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, the characters face troubles and difficult situations. Louie in particular does not give up although all hope seems lost. Louie exemplifies perseverance through his experience in Olympic running, in the army, and in the ocean. Louie shows perseverance in the Olympic race. Hillenbrand writes, “In terrible pain, he took a staggering step off the track …he had no resistance to offer. Still he ran on” (Hillenbrand 26). This shows his perseverance because although Louie is in pain, he did not give up. Instead he kept running, enduring through his pain. Hillenbrand mentions, “But he had nothing to lose. He trained so hard that he rubbed the skin right off one of his toes, leaving his sock bloody” (Hillenbrand 23). Louie trained so hard that his skin had rubbed off. This shows Louie’s perseverance because even though he felt pain, he did not stop training because he was determined to win the Olympic race. …show more content…

Hillenbrand writes, “…his mind briefly registered that all of them were about to die…Louie kept his focus below, trying to aim for the parked planes” (Hillenbrand 98). Even though the Super Man crew was in a dangerous situation, Louie still focuses on his duty. This shows his attribute of perseverance because Louie continues to persist through instead of giving up. Hillenbrand describes, “Louie grabbed Brooks by the wrists and pulled him into a seated position. Brooks slumped forward, and Louie could see holes dotting the back of his jacket. There was blood in his hair” (Hillenbrand 102). Despite the dangerous and tough situation, Louie still helps up Brooks. This shows Louie’s perseverance because although the Super Man crew is in a near-to-death situation, Louie still chooses to help

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