
Examples Of Persuasive Letter For Donnie Nolan

Satisfactory Essays

Dear parole board I am writing to you about the upcoming parole hearing for Donnie Nolan. I thought at one time he deserved a chance but believe me I know him very well I am the mother of three of his several children. I can honestly say that I gave him more chances than he has ever deserved. I guess I felt I could change him. I just couldn’t believe someone could actually be as evil sand worthless as he turned out to be. I’m sure he will tell all of you how much he has changed. Guys like Donnie Nolan do not change they get worse. him being incarcerated gives me a peace of mind. I don’t have to continually look over my shoulder or worry about my children. Donnie Nolan’s only concern is himself. I have never received any child support or anything

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