
Examples Of Point Of View In The Boy With The Striped Pyjamas

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Across the texts, point of view is used effectively to give the idea of how people's age affect the way they react and see war. In "The Boy with the Striped Pyjamas", the point of view is seen in the eyes of a young German boy, Bruno. He is naive, and does not comprehend what is happening at a time of war. During World War II, the holocaust was set up by Germans to execute and kill innocent Jews. He continually asks his father (who does not want Bruno to know the extent of the actions of the holocaust), questions that suggest his innocence of war. For instance, “Why are the soldiers beating the people with the striped pyjamas?”. His perspective on war shows how a young innocent child views the world. He cannot comprehend the reason of why another …show more content…

A boy, Shumel the same age as Bruno is sitting by the fence, and Bruno introduces himself. They soon became good friends and Bruno soon has the curiosity to explore the camp inside. Bruno wants to explore the camp he calls "out-with", but is actually the "Auschwitz camp". This shows his innocence as he does not know the world around him. His family simply wants to hide the fact they are living by a concentration camp from Bruno, but his curiosity takes the better of him. As he goes into the camp (by crawling under the fence) he accidentally walks into the showers and is killed by the poisoned gas in the air. This shows how his curiosity has led him to a horrid situation. Bruno did not know he was going to die, as he was exploring his surroundings, thinking it was a good idea. This emphasises the idea that even though young children are innocent they can be affected by war. Bruno was simply showing how most children perceive the world, curious to see how things work. His parents were trying to protect him from the war, but this simply leads to horrific consequences. When Bruno died his parents got a taste of what they were doing to

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