
Examples Of Propaganda In 1984

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Propaganda is a word for the distribution of information that reflects the views and interests of those advocating such information. In other words, if the government is the source of the information, it is probably pro-government. Propaganda manipulates you by directing the aggression that would normally be directed at them, to another entity or group, such as Hitler blaming the Jews for Germany’s poor economy. It can also work to destroy the very logic that could be used to resist it, such as claiming that two plus two is five. Propaganda also tries to silence or discourage any of those who oppose it. There are ways to resist propaganda, such as researching what is being told to you, in an attempt to find the truth about what is being said, …show more content…

The “party” has every citizen in Oceania shout at a telescreen with Goldstein’s face on it for 2 minutes every day. The Ingsoc Party encourages belief in Goldstein and his resistance, so that they can blame acts of sabotage and any disloyalty among party members on him. An example of this sort of blame-shifting today, is the notion that school shootings are caused by video game violence. Kentucky governor Matt Bevin has been quoted saying, “guns are not the problem.” Devin follows up by saying that video games “have desensitized people to the value of human life.” These government officials are attempting to divert frustration from their perceived lack of legislative progress to video game companies. The way for you to resist this form of propaganda is to stay informed instead of listening to what others say and immediately believing it. If you looked up studies relating to video game violence and actual violence, you would realize that there is no connection between the two. We have all heard that there is a connection between the two, but not many of us have actually researched it for

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