In reality individuals morph depends mostly on living circumstance. Because of living circumstances many individuals reality changes, people are doing anything for their needs of survival. When there aren't much more options for many, you lead to a path where you need to change your way of life and do what you need to suit your needs to survive. Reality morphs for individuals when they think the reality they are living in isn't suitable, this may cause them to abandon their principles and morals. An example of how reality morphs to suit the needs of an individual is prostitution. “Most women in prostitution did not make a choice to enter prostitution from among a range of other options”. This is shows many women do not really want to become prostitutes. Since they have harsh living conditions, reality changes for them and they become prostitutes and do things they don't want for their needs of money. Even though they are breaking their norms and morals it still okay because since they are struggling financially, they may have to do things they do not want to in order to survive . …show more content…
Many individuals become what they are because of the people around them and the people who influence them with violence and gangs. “They join because in the gang they find a group of teenagers that they feel something in common with.” Many kids want to fit in with society. They see that a lot of their friends involved with gangs so they choose also to do it. They might have been raised differently to grow up, but reality morphed for these individuals and became apart of gang violence to suit their group of
Some of the reasons are abusive homes, low-income, and peer pressure. In Chicago, Illinois, Vice Lords, a gang that consist of African-Americans, use violence when they run into rival gangs. The recruitment of Vice Lord members start off young, in low income neighborhoods of Detroit and Chicago. Family problems play a key role in adolescents joining gangs. The American Journal of Community Psychology, stated, parents who provided maternal support and restrictive control to their children creates the adolescent to roam the streets. ( ) This gives teens the oppurtunity to be influced by violence, drugs, and gangs. Drugs, such as marijuana, are fairly easy to get and drive a huge profit. However, marijuana has medical benefits. Nancy Comeau, Addictive Behaviors, explains how the relations of anxiety, stress, and sensations are the motives for the use of marijuana in adolescents. ( ) Anxiety and stress are part of most teenage lives whether if its with cooping with school or family issues. Thus, explains a reason why adolescents join gangs. Adolescent teens are being charged as adults due to criminal activities. The teen mind is still developing and will become worse due to the actions of prison. Teen prisoners face depression and violence within the cell walls. This leads to suicides and long term mental breakdowns. ( ) Familes are tramautized seeing their young children being sent away for many years and can also create depression for the familes, as
Furthermore, the book, Youth Gangs in American Society by Randall Shelden, Sharon Tracy, and William Brown (2013) discusses several theories about why people join gangs. One theory that I think especially fits the explanation as to why people join gangs, with regards to this book, is the control/social bond theory. Shelden et al define control/social bong theory as “when a youth’s, bonds or ties, to society are weak or broken, especially with family, school and other institutions, when this occurs, a youth is apt to seek bonds with other groups, including gangs, in order to get his or her needs met”(p 193). I think so many groups in society let this boy down in My Bloody Life, including his family, the school system and even the police. Consequently with his ties to society so weak, he reached out to a gang that gave him a sense of comfort and belonging.
What causes a kid to join a gang?There are many ways that can cause kids to join gangs, and there are also ways to stop them. In the story The Outsiders Pony boy was born into the gang life, and yet he is still making sure he does not go “full gangster.” Kids all around the world have problems that may be causing them to be join gangs, or just hurt people. In the novel The Outsiders the socs and greasers have problems that relate to socioeconomic status, physical characteristics, and how they solve problems. The greasers are in a gang that is not very violent, but that does not mean that gangs are okay to join.
One problem they face is not getting attention, as shown in, “Often kids who join gangs feel alienated by their parents” (“Allure of Gangs” 1). Because these children don’t feel loved, it creates a hole in their life. As an attempt to fill this hole, children join a gang. “Poverty leads kids into gangs, because they need or want to help out their families” (“Allure of Gangs” 2). Most of the time, these children are uneducated, not skilled, or know of no other way to get the money they need.
Teenagers are now starting to join gangs and it is ruining their lives, most gang members range from the ages of 12-40. The reason why people will join a gang is because they want something to
Teenagers and young adults join youth gangs for many reasons. Reasons a teenager would join a gang include family
This is called innovation “when individuals accept the goals of society, but are unable or unwilling to attain them through legitimate means… Innovation is most closely associated with criminal behavior” (Siegel, 2015: 151). As mentioned in The Made in America: Crips and Bloods documentary many people felt alienated, and joined gangs for protection, love, unity, identity, status and acceptance. Gangs are a community within themselves and there is an established hierarchy in which some members hold higher status over others. Being a gang member gives individuals a place to feel like they are important, whereas they might not feel that way in their regular community. In addition, gangs provide “employment” for those who cannot obtain jobs legally.
Gang violence has been around for a long time all the way back to the 1800 and have greatly increased all around the globe ever since. Gangs are a group of people that fight and kill other gangs over turf,money,pride, and drugs. People usually join gangs from around the age of 8 to the age 20. Most gang members join because they have been abused by their parents or because they don 't have a family. Gangs treat each other like a family, that is the most common reason why people join, they want to be accepted, they want to feel like if they belong something.
Juveniles often join gangs to be accepted into a society of their peers. These juveniles are looking for acceptance and a sense of belonging. They join these gangs for special status amongst their friends, protection from other gangs, financial help, peer pressure, excitement and for some juveniles, they are born into a gang society and it is a family tradition. Gangs can also act like a family. They will praise, chastise and show them a form of love and respect that they are looking for but cannot get at home.
From the gang members perspective, they feel like their gang is their family and they will hold it down for you no matter what. They feel like they have to join a gang to get protection from rival gangs or even from school bullies that bother children who join the gang at young age. Members find an interest in doing illegal things and spend their spare time making other people feel harmed. (Dyson, n.d.).
Gangs originated naturally during the adolescent years of a child. They started from small play groups that eventually found themselves in conflict with other small groups of youth. Due to the conflict between the two small groups of youth it became a part of a child’s mind set to come together as a gang and protect their rights and satisfy the needs that their environment and families couldn’t provide. There are about 24,500 gangs in the U.S and out of those gangs 40% of them are juveniles (Hess, Orthmann, Wright, 2013). There are numerous reason why a child would join a gang, and the
When individuals decided to get involve in those type of activities many of them do it for specific reasons. For example, people join gang for acceptance, protection, and some are forced into it, because of their family are gang affiliated. Gangs partake endlessly in finding different method for individuals to more effectively get the things they want, particularly power. Therefore, people that are easily influenced tends to gravitate toward gang activities for recognition in the community. According to Goldman, Giles, & Hogg (2014), “Gang members’ actions impact other gang members as well as the wider community; everyone is at risk of being a victim of gang violence” (p. 825). Gang violence goes further than racial issue, but it more intensely touches African American and Latino communities.
“Violent crimes committed by juveniles are not diminishing, as other crimes, as reported by the Justice Department statistics, are (Siegel and Welsh, 2011).” We see that juveniles have more access, and more use of the weapons of violence, including gang affiliation. So why do young people join gangs? First of all, the gang
Instead they worry more about being accepted into the right crowds and owning lots of expensive items to show off. Most people fail to realize gang members are products of a bad environment that they are forced to live in. Immigrant families arrive with little money and have no choice but to live in bad neighborhoods. Society sees ghettos that are overfilled with immigrants and gangs so all low-class minority teens end up being stereotyped as being gangsters. The violence is not only on the streets but also at home. Often times, lower-class minority teens come from unstable homes. Immigrant parents no doubt already have a difficult time trying to make it in this prejudice society. With hard time the common cycle of poverty, drug and alcohol abuse, and sometime physical abuse arises. As a result teenager often rebel against their parents and find solace elsewhere. Because of the lack of love and guidance from parents, teens often stray from the family and wander blindly into the life of a gangbanger. Many of these ghetto troubled teens feel that they have nothin going for them so choosing this type of lifestyle is their way of getting through life and it is the only way they know to get through llife. Adolescence is the most crucial time to shape a young mind. When the world is against them during these times, many minority teens tend to easily stray from the right path and enter into the wrong crowd. Gangs have become a growing
Our society is accustomed to believe that prostitution is a choice, even I used to believe that. In the contrary, the reality is that women, including men don’t chose to work in this industry, rather they have been forced or pressured to go against their will. Prior to being sex workers and taken advantage of, prostitutes are being neglected by society and dehumanized by many.