
Examples Of Reality Morphss

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In reality individuals morph depends mostly on living circumstance. Because of living circumstances many individuals reality changes, people are doing anything for their needs of survival. When there aren't much more options for many, you lead to a path where you need to change your way of life and do what you need to suit your needs to survive. Reality morphs for individuals when they think the reality they are living in isn't suitable, this may cause them to abandon their principles and morals. An example of how reality morphs to suit the needs of an individual is prostitution. “Most women in prostitution did not make a choice to enter prostitution from among a range of other options”. This is shows many women do not really want to become prostitutes. Since they have harsh living conditions, reality changes for them and they become prostitutes and do things they don't want for their needs of money. Even though they are breaking their norms and morals it still okay because since they are struggling financially, they may have to do things they do not want to in order to survive . …show more content…

Many individuals become what they are because of the people around them and the people who influence them with violence and gangs. “They join because in the gang they find a group of teenagers that they feel something in common with.” Many kids want to fit in with society. They see that a lot of their friends involved with gangs so they choose also to do it. They might have been raised differently to grow up, but reality morphed for these individuals and became apart of gang violence to suit their group of

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