Receiving feedback from families and midwives I have worked with is one way in which I evaluate my practice. I have a separate document within this portfolio giving evidence of how I do this. I am also a very reflective person, thinking deeper and always trying to expand my knowledge and skill base to be the best possible (student) midwife I can be. I am always looking for ways to grow as an individual and as a health professional. I learn from actions I have made, or those people around me have. Every experience I have I take as a learning experience and try to grow from it.
For example I recognised through evaluating and reflecting on my practice that my knowledge and clinical ability to support, promote and protect breastfeeding was not
In my previous profession I was continuously required to assess how well my own knowledge, skills and understanding meet professional standards by reflecting on my own practices and the achievement of the students in my care. I reflected on my work activities and any notable incidents, discussing any identified issues with the Head.
Many people have significant difficulty in accepting criticism in any form, even where it is intended to be supportive and constructive. If we are aware that you are likely to have difficulty accepting criticism, we should try to prepare ourselves to view feedback from any source as precious and useful information that can add to our ability to reflect effectively on our work. This is not easy, but it is essential.
Reflection is an important tool for all health care practitioners. It can improve our skills and help us understand the choices we make while in practice. Williams (2001) states that “Reflective learning involves assessment and re-assessment of assumptions and critical reflection occurs whenever
I believe that reflective practice is essential to carrying out clinical skills effectively. It allows the nurse to reflect on their actions and perhaps, think what they will do if a similar scenario were to occur at a future stage. I reviewed Kolb's model of reflection. This
Personal reflection in nursing is essential and critical as it allows for continuous development and re-assessment of skills whilst working within a health care setting (Reflective practice: a tool to enhance professional practice 2011, pp.1-3). Personal reflection is important as reflective practice allows for the ability for one to reflect and examine their actions and experiences which overall will increase and enhance their clinical knowledge, as well as developing and improving their practice (Reflective practice: a tool to
Reflective practice has become very popular over the last few decades throughout a variety of professions. In some professions it has become one of the defining features of competence. The wide spread utilization of reflective practice is due to the fact that it ‘rings true’ (Loughran, 2000).
The ability to reflect on one’s own practice is crucial because you can evaluate your effectiveness and assess how well you think you are doing and identify any areas that need improvement or development.
After reading the reflection article, the author seems to favor the Affordable Care Act. President Obama challenges New Orleans to enroll in a health plan. He wants every local official, families, and friends to tell others about this “affordable” health care insurance. The President figures that spreading the word “by mouth” is the best resource for communities. There are places around the country that are now holding open enrollment for health insurance. According to the article, every uninsured person can afford health insurance at a low cost. In particular, the author states that in Louisiana nearly 8 in 10 people may get coverage with $50 or less a month. Also, pre-existing condition is no longer a major factor of coverage. This really
The ability to become reflective in practice has become a necessary skill for health professionals. This is to ensure that health professionals are continuing with their daily learning and improving their practice. Reflective practice plays a big part in healthcare today and is becoming increasingly noticed.
The interpersonal communication skill of feedback is essential for hospital nurses to give a suitable care to each patient because it enables the nurses to learn, and improve their motivation, performance and efficiency that assist to achieve their goal which is to help the patients heal. The interpersonal communication skill of feedback is a system of conveying information between two people regarding the receiver’s performance (Baker et al. 2013). In general, feedback is employed to deliver information about interim objectives and recent behaviour or performance, and to guide individuals on expected enhancement and outcomes for the organisation (Baker et al. 2013). Receiving feedback provides individuals with information on their strengths and weaknesses, which allow them to have an opportunity to build self-improvement plans if the individuals are willing to change their behaviour or performance (De Janasz et al. 2014). Suitable feedback within an organisation results in positive behaviour changes which improve efficiency of the organisation (Baker et al. 2013). There is evidence showing that supportive feedback employments promote improved openness to feedback, increased feedback-seeking behaviour, and inspiration to use feedback and change performance behaviour (Baker et al. 2013). When nurses identify feedback as a helpful resource that can enhance the quality of care, feedback can lead to an outstanding advancement promoting the nurses’ well-being (Giesbers et al.
My OB clinical experience has been great! I have gained a lot of experience and knowledge from my clinical professor and the nurses on the unit. I have learned so much. In the beginning I felt confident going in and talking to my patients but not caring for them. I was not confident about reading the EFM strips or even touching a patient in active labor due to their pain. Even at the end I still was not comfortable dealing with patients in extreme pain I think that’s a learning
Throughout personal professional development reflection is essential, allowing health care professionals to self-develop by revisiting events and analysing areas in which improvements and learning would ensure a positive impact on their future practice. The Nursing and Midwifery Council, (NMC, 2010) notes that all health care practitioners must be self-aware in their own values and principles which could affect their practice. Ensuring they maintain personal and professional development while learning through supervision, feedback and reflection.
Throughout my self assessment, I will critically reflect upon my performance in a previous clinical practice placement and will annotate the NMC Proficiencies (2004) throughout this. I will also discuss the evidence base on my chosen theme, MDT Working to support my discussion.
Reflection is used by nurses and health care professionals to incorporate theoretical and practical knowledge (Cowen et al 2009). On the other hand, Rolfe et al (2011) noted that reflecting on the event and thinking about any action that could have been taken differently. For effective changes to occur when reflecting, the reflector should pay attention to what they are thinking, how they are feeling and what they recall (Taylor 2010 cited in Howatson-jones 2013)
I have an AVCE in Business, A Level in Accounting, A in GCSE ICT, and