1. Provide 1 example of each type of reinforcement schedule: continuous, fixed interval, fixed ratio, variable interval, variable ratio. For each example, clearly explain how it is an example of the reinforcement schedule it is intended to illustrate. This includes identifying the stimulus, behavior affected, and the consequence. Do not use the example of receiving a grade for schoolwork, a paycheck from a job, the lottery, a slot machine, or any other type of gambling.
An example of a continuous reinforcement schedule could be a young child that is being potty trained. The child’s parents have just bought a potty training toilet for the child to learn the behavior of letting someone know they have to use the bathroom. Each time the child
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The student is typically given scenarios of different patient’s profiles and why they need to have blood taken (i.e., routine blood test, to test for STDs) and the student must determine the best method for drawing their blood (i.e., a finger prick, through the vein in their arm). After the student has correctly described the appropriate method for drawing blood on 20 scenarios, they will get additional hours in the lab to practice actually drawing blood on patient dummies. This example demonstrates a fixed-ratio reinforcement schedule because the teacher has set the required number of correct scenarios at 20 in order to receive the reinforcement of additional lab practice. In no instance will the student be able to get the additional lab practice unless they have accurately assessed 20 scenarios. The stimulus in this example is that the student wants to get additional practice with drawing blood, the behavior is accurately assessing scenarios that require the attention of a phlebotomist, and the consequence is that the students get extra practice in the phlebotomy practice lab, thus adding more practicum hours that are counted toward their license …show more content…
Along with this individual’s probation restrictions, the individual must complete 1,000 hours of community service (some time on the week day) in the time span of 10 months. The probation officer has set a VI-25 (days) for each month. The probation officer checks back in with the individual at a different time around the end of the month (slightly before or slightly after the 25-day mark). If the number of hours of community service the individual has increased at least 50-100 hours, then the individual’s probationary curfew can be extended 30 minutes for that month. This is an example of a variable-interval reinforcement schedule because the probation officer has set the average day to check in with the individual as the 25th, however, the officer can go check in and review the individual’s community service log slightly before or after the 25th. The individual never knows exactly what day the officer will come on so they will try and engage in as much community service hours as soon as the next cycle begins to make sure they can receive the 30-minute extension to their probation curfew. The stimulus in this example is that the individual wants to have a longer probation curfew to have time to visit friends and family, the behavior is to do at least 50 hours of community service as quickly as possible, and the consequence is that the
rogress: On 2/6/17 CPSW received an email from Ms. Messerli's probation officer reporting that Ms. Messerli has not remained law abiding and she has not remained sober. Ms. Messerli was no show to her PO appointment and she did not stay sober. Ms. Messerli has an appointment with her probation on 2/8/17. The probation officer reported that if Ms. Messerli is a no show again to her appointment, she will issue a probation violation for 1). Failing to meet with probation, 2). Failing to complete a Rule 25, 3). Failing to remain law-abiding 4). Failing to remain
All people given a traffic citation are to appear in court on a specific date after their traffic citations. Those people who plead not guilty are set for trial at a future date, and the prosecutor and arresting officer are required to appear at trial. 75 percent of people who plead not guilty fail to appear at trial, but the city is still responsible for paying overtime expenses to those officers who are not on duty but must appear at trial. The court administrator is called upon to devise a system to limit the city's overtime expenses. The court administrator devises a system where the court has access to police officer schedules, and where all officers are normally scheduled at least one day a month during court trial hours, and sets trials involving those officers during that time period.
Another commonly used alternative is house arrest and confinement. This sanction restricts an individual to his or her residence for specific periods of time; in most house arrest programs offenders are allowed to leave their homes only for employment, medical needs, or mandated assignments such as community service or school. The emphasis of this program is on confinement, and the supervising officers’ role is to ensure that the offender stays confined at home. There are three different levels of home confinement, each with a different degree of restricted freedom. The first is curfew which requires offenders to be in their residence during limited, specific hours, generally at night. The offender’s movements outside of the curfew hours are unregulated. The second is home detention that requires offenders to remain at home at all times except for employment, education, treatment, or other pre-approved activities. This program may be with the assisted with electronic monitoring. The last level is home incarceration. This program requires offenders to remain at home at all times, with very limited exceptions for religious or medical purposes. At a minimum, offenders are subject to random
Reinforcement that occurs directly because of the students actions. No one else is needed to get the reinforcement.
Within the concept of operant conditioning, there are various simple schedules of reinforcement that are a part of our daily routine. Operant conditioning is a category of learning that invokes consequences, either negative or positive, as a way to increase or decrease behaviors (Powel, Honey & Symbaluk, 2013, p. 264) Schedules of reinforcement, such as fixed ratio, variable interval, fixed interval and variable ratio, are used as ways to strengthened or weaken those wanted or unwanted behaviors (Powel, Honey & Symbaluk, 2013, pp. 271-279). When applying these fundamental concepts to real world scenarios, it is crucial to first acknowledge which behavior is to be strengthened or weakened and then proceed with the conditioning.
Unlike that of conventional punishment/incarceration, the use of community based corrections requires the probation officer to “in theory” successfully manage their time and caseloads which can ranging in number from 70 upwards to over 100 per officer. Bartollas states, “Probation Officers caseloads are so large that maintaining contact with probationers is difficult …officers with combined
Dependent Variable. The effectiveness and the impact of the drug court will be assessed by analyzing the recidivism rates between the treatment group and the comparison group of probationers. Recidivism will be measured by examining both felony and misdemeanor charges and arrests, and drug related arrests will further be examined. Outcome data pertaining to arrests will be collected from the months of June, July, and August of 2016, allowing for an average follow-up time of 517 days. The data to be collected will include official rearrest results upon the completion of the drug treatment program and upon the completion of a probation sentence for the comparison group. Through the arrest results, further examination will be conducted on the severity of the crimes committed and whether they involved drug offenses.
On this day he should have completed his mandatory 25 hours of community service and paid a fine. He had not done that however. He was called on and he reported that he had only done 5 hours. He was trying to explain why he hadn’t done his hours but his english was broken and he wasn’t making any sense. His girlfriend then took it upon herself to stand up and explain for him. He had just gotten out of prison and needed to get a driver’s license to volunteer. Because his residence was in California, but he was volunteering in Nevada where his girlfriend and new baby were; he needed a license in both states. That was what led to the late start, he had only had both licenses for a week. In that week he did 5 hour of volunteering. Although Judge Sullivan had notes saying it was his last chance, she had a different judge step in for her that day. The girlfriend was arguing that the previous judge had not warned it was his last chance, just that he needed some hours. Judge Sullivan erred on the side of caution since it wasn’t her personal notes and gave the defendant three more months to work off his fines through volunteering along with his mandated
Give a school-based example of two of the following: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, or extinction.
Community Service may be ordered; up to 100 hours for offenders under 16 years and up to 250 hours for those older than 16
Nevertheless, some situations, such as a participant in the program refuse to continue to participate in the treatment, will result in termination and likely lead to the individual being taken back into custody. But for someone who violates the terms of the drug agreement by relapsing will result in extending time adding to their time. But for someone who violates the curfew or show sign of disrespectful to other people in the program will result to freedom being taken away like he or she cannot use a cellphone for two weeks, wash all the dishes, no tv privileges. Furthermore, when it comes to this drug court being successful in this program require successful completion of all the program is contingent upon remaining drug-free and without arrest for a specific for a specific period of
Reinforcement is the main contributing factor in operant conditioning. There is more than one way to go about establishing reinforcement, if a delay occurs between the response and the reinforcement the response may not become strengthened. It is likely that if the reinforcement occurs immediately after the response that there will be a definite strengthening of the response. Continuous reinforcement is when reinforcement occurs at every instance of the desired response. Intermittent reinforcement occurs when a response is reinforced some of the time. The different schedules of reinforcement influence patterns of response. Intermittent schedules offer greater resistance to extinction than continuous schedules.
Youth can also pay for their actions through restitution, compensation, community services and other sentences that provide for close supervision and support in the community. If the youth is found guilty, the court may place the youth on probation for up to 2 years. While on probation, the youth must have good behavior and will be required to follow curfew, report to a parole officer and remain within the area. While the youth is on parole, the courts may choose where and with whom the youth may live and may include other restrictions to prevent the youth from reoffending. The court may also impose a fine of up to 1000 dollars, which must be paid by a specific time. If the youth is unable to pay the fine, they may be forced to go through a “fine option program”. The chances of a youth committing another crime are much smaller after a youth has been fined because once their parents pay this charge; they will most likely put forth a greater effort in disciplining their child. Community service is also a disciplinary sentence that the courts may impose. The youth may be required to perform up to 240 hours of work in the community over a 12 month period with certain organization. These forms of sentencing
include a period of incarceration; it is served in the community rather than jail (Corbett, 2014).
The formal method of instilling learning through reinforcement theory is to use a schedule. According to a fixed schedule, a person is rewarded for performing the behavior a specific number of times; according to a continuous ratio schedule, the reward occurs after every behavior, and according to a variable ratio schedule, the reward does not occur with any predictable consistency when the behavior is performed. The advantages of fixed and continuous rewards are that the behavior is more quickly instilled. The advantage of a variable schedule is that the behavior is less quickly extinguished, given the subject anticipates getting a reward for a longer period of time (Noe 2010: 143).