If I ever in a situation where I have to sacrifice something, it has to be something or someone very important in my life. And also that depend on what kind of sacrifice I have to make, such as family or friend? or is it life and death? Its it going to be worth it? or something I will regret? For example: In Romeo and Juliet's story, Friar Laurence is a caring man who hope and everyone have a happy life. He's like a middle men who like to help both sides. He's like a man who wishes everyone is peaceful, cheerful, and joyful. But no matter how hard Friar Laurence tried to help Romeo and Juliet, Juliet's parents do everything in their power to keep them apart. Frair believed true love were meant to be together and he even willing to risk
Allusions in Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare’s use of allusions brings out the numerous themes hidden in his writings. Throughout Romeo and Juliet, he largely alludes to mythological beings, where themes revolving around love can be found. The theme that love can’t be forced is revealed through Shakespeare’s allusions to Diana, the goddess of chastity, and Cupid, the god of love. Love is a feeling that comes at random, so forcing someone to love is futile.
In William Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet, we meet the characters and how their actions led to a tragedy. Romeo and Juliet met, end up falling in love, and – since both cannot dream of living without the other – take their lives. While the play ends in a tragic death for both characters, it was their own reckless decisions; though others might believe that it was destiny that played a large role in the lovers’ downfall. However, the majority of the text evidence points to them making their own choices leading to their demise.
Through youth there is room for naiveté. Everyone can agree that at one point in their child hood they have made mistakes of conflicts because of what they didn’t know. Innocence can cause conflict for example Juliet in Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet. Juliet's naiveté shapes the story by creating confusion and conflict by the wellbeing of innocence.
Determination oftentimes makes us who we are as a person. It is something that is embedded deep inside the human nature. Determination is essentially the “steering wheel” of a person. It is up to the “driver” whether they want to take the effortless street or the harsh road on the mountain. Those who take the more challenging road usually results into a better reward and feeling in contrast to the boring and usual road. Humans, like any other species, would prefer to take the path of least resistance. This is not the case in this topic, it is that humans should be determined to succeed in something, because without determination, nothing would be achieved.
I believe Romeo is the one who holds the most fault because he should have never went to the capulets party and then asked Juliet to marry him so suddenly. Act 1 Scene 5 romeo says, “ What lady’s that, which doth enrich the hand of yonder knight? “ Instead of forgetting about juliet and looking for someone else he went to the capulet’s orchard to see juliet again. Act 2 Scene 2 romeo says, “ With love’s light wings did I o’erperch these walls, for stony limits cannot hold love out, an what love can do, that dares love attempt. Therefore thy kingsmen are no let to me. Act 2 Scene 2 romeo says, “ The exchange of thy love’s faithful vow for mine. “ Romeo should have never even asked juliet to marry him so suddenly in the first place. Also
Alcott quotes Mercutio’s dying words from Romeo and Juliet, “‘Tis not so deep as a well nor so wide as a church door, but tis enough’” (3). She alludes to them because although John’s wounds are not especially large, they have caused enough pain and harm to bring him to his final fate. Her allusion to Shakespeare also contributes to the idea that she finds this soldier’s death tragic, just as Romeo and Juliet’s story. Alcott also alludes to God as she explains how John “received the order of the Divine Commander to march with the same unquestioning obedience with which the soldier had received the human one” (3). Her words incorporate a spiritual perspective to her piece and give readers a sense of hope for John. Her allusion
In the play, Romeo and Juliet, by Shakespeare tells of two families that have a huge grudge. A boy named Romeo and a girl named Juliet fall in love with each other and die in the end. In this play, Shakespeare uses a lot of figurative language throughout. He uses language like metaphors, similes and personification to describe the scenes and characters.
This can been seen by how powerful of a thing that hate and anger can really be, and how that power can lead someone to go out of control and do something they wouldn’t have normally done. This is also a recurring issue in humanity as whole, seen all over the world, sometimes at a larger scale and sometimes at a smaller scale. An example of this is discrimination against a certain group of people, especially racism. People will decide that they hate someone or a group of people, or will be raised to believe that that certain group is bad, when they have really done nothing, just like in Romeo and Juliet. The Montague family and the Capulet family hated each other, for reasons even they didn’t know, or reasons that weren’t
Romeo struggles between his dedication to love and his dedication to honor throughout Romeo and Juliet as well as staying true to his family's side in the feud. Although in the beginning Romeo seemed to only "falls in love" with girls because of their looks, but, after being with Juliet, Romeo showed readers that with her it was more than just her beauty that he was in love with. Along with Romeo made sure to stick with Juliet all the way through until he found out that Juliet died and not fighting Tybalt because they were related after Romeo got married to Juliet until after he had good reason to fight. Romeo disregards the families feud after he finds out that Juliet is a capulet and even goes as far as trying to mend the families feud by
In the play Romeo and Juliet, by Shakespeare one of the themes is virtue turned to vice. Friar Lawrence's virtue of peace is turned to vice which assisted with the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo’s virtue of love is turned to vice and grows the feud.
Cycle of Retaliation “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves,” (Confucius). What is the difference between modern morals on revenge and revenge in Romeo and Juliet? Psychologists research prove that revenge, aside from addictive approaches, is the first thing that comes to mind and is considered human nature. A mind consumed with only think about revenge until vengeance is served. In Romeo and Juliet revenge is abundant and not frown upon, but in modern society revenge is horrible and greatly punishable.
Through both The Lottery and Romeo and Juliet, human and self-sacrifice is demonstrated by the acts and feelings the characters have during the story. Although they are two complete different stories, the characters seem to make sacrifices that lead to death. In “The Lottery,” the villagers that participate are the characters who most sacrifice. Life is short, and even more short when you put your life at risk. In “Romeo and Juliet,” the main characters also make terrible decisions which make up the death and the tragic ending.
Once in a while many people make bad decisions. Usually these decisions don’t cause them any harm in their futures, unlike Romeo Montague’s and Juliet Capulet’s decisions. In Verona, a city in Italy, two lovers fall in love. The catch is their families despise each other. Eventually Romeo get’s banished from Verona, and Juliet is forced to marry someone she doesn’t want to marry. Juliet takes a potion that knocks her out for 42 hours, and feigns her death, hoping she does not have to marry Count Paris. Romeo assumes Juliet is dead, and drinks a potion that kills him, and when Juliet wakes up and realizes that Romeo is dead, she stabs herself. In William Shakespeare’s tragic play, Romeo and Juliet, the main protagonists, Romeo and Juliet,
The definition of lust is having a strong desire for someone. Romeo and Juliet had more of a lust than love for each other which led to many selfish, impulsive and heartbreaking decisions made in the play "Romeo and Juliet". Based on their actions and the decisions they made, led to the death of themselves, which was heartbreaking for their families. Also, the bad choices they made that just made up love and death when they made those choices. Them loving each other led to people they loved get hurt in the process. They were in the families of the Montagues’ and Capulets’, two feuding families. Many people were hurt and killed, making this one of the most well-known and tragic plays throughout history. In William Shakespeare's dramatic play, "Romeo and Juliet", the star-crossed lovers' selfish and impulsive decisions result in the deaths of themselves, their family and friends.
The want for revenge leads many of the characters in Romeo and Juliet into murderous acts which eventually leads to severe punishments and a further need for revenge. The everlasting revenge in Romeo and Juliet is first born from ancient grudge between the Capulets and the Montagues, which is ultimately settled with the tragic, abrupt unifying factor of both Romeo and Juliet's death. Several instances within the interactions of the characters suggests that vengeance is driving force of the plot, and that consequently, there must ultimately be an end to the feuding and recoil, due to the fact that there must be a resolution after the thrilling climax..