When watching different movies, one must look deep into the characters in order to determine the archetype they might be. One example of an archetype that characters may represent is Sage. Sage is the independence and fulfillment that a character holds, and discovers throughout the movie the truth in which sets them free. The sage archetype is well demonstrated within all three movies: Watership Down, Princess Bride, and Up. There is at least one character in each of these movies that signifies the sage archetype. In the Watership Down, the character that indicates the sage archetype is Fiver. He knows that the truth will set him and the other rabbits free, and with him knowing what is going to happen in the future this shows the archetype is within …show more content…
He not only is aware of what the truth can resolve, but how it can satisfy his fulfillment. For instance, he does not give up on his adventure to find Buttercup but rather faces the obstacles that are put ahead of him. Westley has to fight off both Fezzik and Inigo before tricking Vizzini with the poisoned drink in order to rescue the bride. He shows independence by not receiving help to overcome these obstacles that he must face. Westley would do anything to reach the princess and satisfy himself with what he wanted most. Another way the sage archetype is shown in Westley’s character is when he lives through the death machine that he had been connected to for a period of time. In order to live through the machine, he had to convince himself that he would be able to find the princess as soon as he could flee the situation. Although the machine did not kill Westley, it still made him weak and unable to walk with support. The results of the machine did not stop him from finding the bride and expressing his true feelings for her. Westley is definitely a sage archetype, because no matter the situation, the truth will set him
An archetype is a model or ideal example in which other things are patterned. There are many archetypes that could represent many characters; but for my character, Haley Kincain, the caregiver archetype represents her the best. Haley represents a caregiver due to constantly caring for her father and his Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, along with helping her friends with problems like divorce and bullying. I found her to be pragmatic, considerate and patient throughout the book.
An archetype is defined as an image, story-pattern, character, setting, symbol, or situation that recurs frequently in literature and in life. It demonstrates universal human experiences and associates strongly with readers through a subconscious understanding. In the Epic of Gilgamesh the main character, Gilgamesh, is an example of a superheroic archetypal hero. He took on an epic quest for everlasting life by following the archetypal steps of a hero’s journey. Through suffering due to tragedy, realizing the nature of his quest, seeking help from a mentor, experiencing failure, and returning home with a companion, Gilgamesh’s story followed the situational archetype of a hero’s journey.
Archetypes are universal symbols used in literature to represent fundamental human motifs. In the medieval romance Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the hero must undergo archetypal situations to succeed in his quest to redeem the honor of Camelot. Gawain embodies the transcendent hero as he further goes into “The Zone of Magnified Power” (Campbell 71) then faces conflict resulting from the threat placed on the society. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight dramatically demonstrates how a single character can play many archetypal roles.
This shows that Inigo encounters the character Westly and to Inigo Westley takes the archetype allie. This finding of an allie represents Inigo being a hero because it allows him to continue his mission with more help and support. Especially in this case him having Westly as an ally because of his brains and skill. A second example of Inigo encountering another archetype is when he comes face to face with Count Rugen and has a battle to death to avenge his father. In this case to Inigo Count Rugen is the evil adversary also known as the man with six fingers on his right hand.
An archetype is a pattern repeated through the ages in folk and literary expressions. Archetypes are important in literature because there everywhere. Odysseus looks strong and brave he is also very intelligent and nice and cares about his men. His behavior is very smart he doesn't do anything without thinking of the consequences. Odysseus is strong, brave ,and smart which are three critical characteristics of the “Hero” archetype.
With every corner we turn in today’s culture, we become more and more aware of the archetypes that surround us. Archetypes are the works of a typical character, situation, setting, or symbol that can be found in fantasy and reality. An example would be the renowned medieval story Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by Pearl Poet. The author permeates the story with situational, symbolic, and character archetypes that illustrate the profound life of Sir Gawain. Sir Gawain was apprehensive of his journey at first, but as time passes, he began to make choices that unveils to the audience the true flawed knight that he was.
Instead of escaping the snow sand by herself, she screams, "Westley, come save me!". Buttercup relies on the help of Westley, a powerful and brave man, to rescue her because she is weak and helpless and he is strong and capable. Westley, on the other hand, does not receive Buttercup assistance, further showing that women cannot be of help and are simply a burden to men. In addition, Buttercup requires Prince Humperdinck's assistance in writing a letter because she lacks his intellectual ability. When Buttercup writes her love letter to Westley, “THE PRINCE FOUND Buttercup waiting unhappily outside his chamber doors. "
An archetype is someone or something being perceived by a certain pattern of a specific behavior. People, or other characters, acknowledge them for their acts, whether that be bad or good. Westley's development throughout "The Princess Bride" reflects more than his personal evolution; it embodies the typical hero's journey, a core element that drives the story. In the novel “The Princess Bride”, Westley proves himself to be a true hero. He embodies qualities such as companionship, humility, and cleverness, making him a compelling character.
The science fiction cinematic piece Gattaca by Andrew Niccol was released in 1997. It addresses the moral and ethical concepts regarding genetic engineering and the social order strives in the pursuit of biological perfection. The idea of perfection and genetic engineering is portrayed with a dystopian world were genetic discrimination is the foundation for society that takes place in “the not so distant future”. To address these ideas Niccol, uses archetypal characters such as Vincent as the underdog and Eugene as the supporting character to convey the psychological challenges and boundaries that have an effect on how the characters live their lives and interact within the world they live in. The films idea of genetic engineering causes the viewer to consider the ethicality of such technology and how its superiority can result in a world were individuals are bound by social restrictions and discrimination due to the presence of a scientifically engineered race of human beings.
Imagine being called a monster although you can think, feel and have goals like any other human. Though, due to looking like a beast no humans believe you aren’t hostile. Archetypes are used exactly to show how one can be seen in a story, demonstrating what group they fit in that story.
In Homers epic poem “The Odyssey” there are many archetypes, many of which were the origin of the archetype. An archetype is a character type, place, or symbol, every culture shares. In “The Odyssey” Homer uses archetypes to evoke meaning to the story. Some examples of archetypes in “The Odyssey” are the temptress, and the father-son conflict.
Archetype refers to a generic version of a personality. Archetypes are continually present in folklore and literature for thousands of years, including prehistoric artwork. The identification of archetypes in literature is to primarily find the behaviors and characteristics of the main protagonist, it is important to discover the ambiguity of how the traits change and develop throughout the rising
The author develops Sage in many ways and in the end, he developed into a round character. In the beginning, Sage
The twelve general archetypal figures as described by Carl Jung help the reader break down and further analyze the characters of the book. By identifying archetypal figures in a book, it enables the reader to understand key themes and concepts of the book as well as view the book through a new perspective. In The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Awakening by Kate Chopin, there is an abundance of characters which can easily be identified by as archetypes. The main characters themselves can be identified as multiple archetypal characters, and as a result are scrutinized as more than just the protagonists. In The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne uses the actions and thoughts of Roger Chillingworth to portray how he represents the villain archetype, and likewise, in The Awakening, Chopin uses the actions of Mademoiselle Reisz to represent her as the sage and outcast archetypes.
The Merriam- Webster English dictionary defines an archetype as a “perfect example of something”. A trickster is one who exhibits a great degree of intellect or secret knowledge, and uses it to deceive others or disobey conventional rules. The trickster archetype appears frequently in literary and non-literary pieces due to its ability to add suspense and amusement to a story. Loki, for example, a popular example of a trickster; the Norse fire god’s image was preserved for centuries in different stories. This was due to his ability to bring a sense of drama into tales. Three lesser-known trickster archetypes that I would like to talk about are, Ekwensu an African god of trade, Kitsune the mythical Japanese tricksters, and Br’er Rabbit, the classical American fairy-tale trickster.