
Examples Of Social Environment Affecting Identity In The Iliad

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In the Iliad there are many examples of how social environment affects identity. In book 3 they talk about killing a lamb. “On those terms ne dragged his ruthless dagger across the lambs throat and let them fall to the ground dying…” I thought this quote from the book was very relevant to identity even though it's very gruesome. It’s a clear example of how someone’s social environment can affect their identity because if he had not grown up with violence or maybe his religion then he might not have done that. His parents most likely are the same religion as him or taught him these violent actions so they most likely taught him that. Another example of social environment affecting identity in The Iliad is in book 16. “Like a girl, a baby running after her mother begging to be picked up and she tugs her skirts holding her back as she tries to hurry off.” That’s a good example because the little girl only knows how to act like that because she is a …show more content…

In the documentary they were pretending that this old man had died right before an event and the story of how they were by the end trying to get the person to push the “dead” guy off the top of the building. When faced with highly tense situations you tend to listen to any advice good or bad because you are internally panicking. So in that social environment people will be more inclined to listen to anyone no matter what there saying. In a National Geographic article titled The Things That Divide Us they were saying that the way that you see people and group them automatically is subconscious and you can't really help it. That’s one way all humans social environment affects their identity. Technically it could be a positive thing but also it is kind of a bad thing. Because based on a group you put a person in you might treat them differently or you might give them different advise than another person you would talk

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