
Examples Of Social Satire In Huck Finn

Satisfactory Essays

The main purpose of this research paper is to analyze various social aspects used as a satire by Mark Twain with the intention to reform American society. This very society which had been scourged by the social evils they are Murder, religious hypocrisy, slavery, drunkenness, injustice, materialism and discrimination. Later on this novel has been credited to have helped in abolishing the social evils from this slave holding society. As we know before Mark Twain, the American social cause had been pioneered by Abraham Lincoln and Harriet Beecher Stowe.
Keywords: Satire, ridicule, drunkenness, materialism, antebellum, injustices, Juvenal,
Slavery, racial prejudices
Mark Twain is a towering figure in the history of American literature who has …show more content…

It has targeted many social classes, their way of thinking as well as their way of act. To achieve this with success, author has used a twelve-year-old protagonist, who laughed at the corrupt society, denouncing swindling, drunkenness and materialism. The hero Huck used his inventiveness, quickness, morality, innocence and love of adventure to ridicule not only the above mentioned vices, but also social, cultural and institutions. Huck says related to his father’s drinking habits “Every time he got money he got drunk; and every time he got drunk he raised Cain around town; and every time he raised Cain he got jailed. He was just suited-this kind of thing was right in his line.” (Twain, 2012: 21).Violence was one of the first evils that Twain satirized. He first presented the most frequent forms of it through Pap Finn’s (father of Huck) brutality, the bloodshed resulting from a disagreement opposing two aristocratic families and Lynch Law. Here Huck gives the description of a lynching scene as “Well, by and by somebody said Sherburn ought to be lynched. In a minute everybody was saying it; so away they went, mad and yelling, and snatching down every clothes-line they come to do the hanging with....“The idea of YOU lynching anybody! It’s amusing. The idea of you thinking you had pluck enough to lynch a MAN!” (Twain, 2012: 133-34). All these social vices had plagued American society witnessed by Mark Twain and remained on his mind since his childhood. He found no other means to fight it but through satire, which is a much well-organized powerful tool than any other means in terms of ridding of the society from vices and other impious

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