
Examples Of Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening

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Robert frost is a four-time Pulitzer Prize winner in poetry. Robert Frost depicted realistic New England life through language and situations familiar to the common man. Robert Frost was born on March 26, 1874 in San Francisco, California. Robert Lee Frost was a legendary American poet, still admired by many today. Robert Frost used nature in many of his writings. He was a simple man who taught, worked in a mill, was a reporter, was a New England farmer, and wrote. Throughout his life he had always been interested in literature. He attended Dartmouth College, but remained less than one semester. Probably no other American poet has suffered more misunderstanding at the hands of his readers, admirers and detractors alike, than Robert Frost. The …show more content…

In ‘stopping by woods on a snowy evening’ the best known poems of the twentieth century, reminds every reader of hid purpose, promises and obligations. It expresses the conflict felt by everyone. The clash between demands of practical life with its responsibility and the desired to escape into a world of daydream the sample, realistic description tends the readers to identify themselves with the poet. The real meaning is hidden in the symbols.
This selection occurs at the very end of "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening." It is clear that the narrator wishes to continue watching the snow fall in the woods, but he is not able to ignore his responsibilities. The repeated "And miles to go before I sleep" can be read as a forced reminder that the narrator has obligations to fulfill, almost as if he would not be able to force himself to leave the woods without repeating the mantra. The final line could also be read as the narrator slowly falling asleep, aware of his responsibilities at home but unable to resist the peaceful lull of the drifting …show more content…

Frost in fact portrays his personal experiences of life in his poetry. He doesn’t have to make any attempts to search themes and write but he lives through his poems. It is impossible to separate Robert from his poetry Robert Frost depicts realistically the regional characteristics and the basic humanity of his character from his particular he rises to the universal.
Robert Frost is a great poet of man. He portrays his poems realistically. He does not believe in escape he always faced the life with all its conflicts and complaints. Robert Frost has a deep faith in the moral values, values of life as well as in mighty God. In my view his philosophy of life is “It is better to die trusting rather than to die untrusting”.
Emerson, Whitman, Frost and Emily Dickenson are the pioneers who have taken up the themes of spiritual and moral values. Whiteman throws light on what is in the meaning of the new movement of humanity. Frost too is prudent supporter of humanity. Emerson, in order to embrace the spiritual contemplation had led a theory of Robert Frost has earned a distinction as a major American poet. He is a great artist of words. His approach is pragmatic and

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