
Examples Of The Ferrmi Paradox

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The question of whether humanity is the only intelligent civilization in the Universe disturbs people for centuries. The first thing that comes to mind while talking about life on other planets is the existence of aliens — highly intelligent humanoids of extraterrestrial origin, which looks similar to humans and are often associated with aggression against humanity. Of course, the story has a lot of examples where a person had some experience of coming across the traces of UFOs or unusual aircrafts, called flying saucers. Some skeptics still do not accept the idea that in addition to the people in the world there is a high probability that in the universe there are other - more sophisticated and evolved beings. However, the question of alien life does not deal only with intelligent creatures as there may be other forms of life, from bacteria to little primitive organisms. Taking these into account I’d like to discuss the problem of alien life outside the Earth, and my opinion about this issue is that alien life of some form exists.
In order to confirm my beliefs, I will …show more content…

If you give the term a more specific definition, we can say that the Fermi paradox is the apparent contradiction between the high probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and the origin of the almost complete lack of evidence demonstrating any contact with extraterrestrials. Enrico Fermi was interested in why, if extraterrestrials exist, until now (at the time) was found absolutely no sign of them, such as spacecraft, probes, intelligence apparatus or any radio? After billions of years, during which the universe exists, they certainly would have to appear and manifest. Although these arguments do not prove the absence of primitive forms of life on other planets, whose level of evolution does not allow them to contact with the inhabitants of the

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