
Examples Of The Villain In The Hobbit

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Smaug the Smug Dragon
There are many types of villains; the cunning, the crazy, the prideful and even the heroic villain, but there is also the standard villain. Smaug the dragon is the antagonist in The Hobbit and he is a standard villain; a stereotypical one, but even he has some certain traits that differentiate him from the basic villains. He is terrible, merciless and evil, with only one weakness, isolated in his castle full of gold.
Villain are mostly portrayed as big and powerful, making them in no need of anyone's help, and Smaug is so. "A vast red-golden dragon" with "a huge coiled tail" Smaug was described as, showing that he could easily crush living beings and destroy houses (Tolkien 233). "Smaug lay, with wings folded like an immeasurable bat, turned partly on one side, so that the hobbit could see his underparts and his long pale belly crusted with gems and fragments …show more content…

Smaug the dragon is very good in his role as the main villain with no warmth in his dark heart, as he never even doubts himself when attacking Lake Town without thought and sneaking up on Bilbo and the dwarves, trying to crush them beneath the mountain rocks, nor does he regret what he did to the old citizens of Dale. However it would also be appreciated if he would have had a chance to become good, whether he would accept the chance or not would be up to the author. If he were to decline the chance, it would only strengthen the idea of his purely evil nature. If he were to accept it, it would teach a lesson to the audience that no matter how bad someone is or how many bad things they have done, one can always change. However, Smaug "was a most especially greedy, strong, and wicked worm" and forever he shall stay, alongside his enormous ego, no matter how many flaws he

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