
Examples Of Tom's Recklessness In The Great Gatsby

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Recklessness ways of a few can bring others down a ways away. The novel “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a historical fiction text that depicts the 1920s era of the United States. The novel is about a man named Gatsby, who is searching for the girl that he had once been with and to accomplish his life goals. The girl, Daisy, that Gatsby goes from is a reckless person alongside her husband Tom Buchanan. One reason for Tom and Daisy’s recklessness is their careless behavior towards their own relationship together. Tom’s recklessness is shown when the text states,”Tom’s got some woman in New York”(Fitzgerald 19). Tom’s reckless behavior is shown through his love affair with another woman whilst being married to Daisy. Him taking part in this love affair gives off the feeling that he doesn’t care much about his wife. Fitzgerald depicts Daisy’s actions by saying,”As he left the room again, she got up and went over to Gatsby, and pulled his face down kissing him on the mouth”(Fitzgerald 122). Daisy’s husband Tom walked out and as soon as he was gone, she went on and kissed Gatsby. Daisy is loving on another man showing her careless behavior through …show more content…

His first act of careless behavior is shown when Fitzgerald says,”Making a short deft movement Tom Buchanan broke her nose with his open hand”(Fitzgerald 41). Just because Myrtle had said his wife's name, he had struck her in the face. This shows Tim’s anger coming out without any intent of trying to control it as he hurt Myrtle. Tom had also said,”That fellow had it coming to him”(Fitzgerald 187). Tom had told George about Gatsby owning the car that ran over Myrtle and didn’t even mind telling him about the affair. Being that Tom didn't care much for Gatsby, he let George go after him, which ended up costing Gatsby his life. Just like tom, Daisy also has some specific behavior that depicts her as a careless and reckless

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