
Examples Of Totalitarianism In 1984

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To start things off let's look at the differences between dictatorship and totalitarian control “Totalitarian regimes seek to establish complete political, social and cultural control.”(Nazi Fascism and the modern totalitarian state) and “dictatorships seek limited, typically political, control.”(Nazi Fascism and the modern totalitarian state). We can look at novel 1984 where Winston is a member of the outer party, this means that he is a regular person from the street. While he is under the reign of Big Brother there is not much that he can do, Everything has to go Big Brothers way, he has totalitarian reign over the people of Oceania.They must think as they are told and if they say two plus two equals five then two plus two equals five there …show more content…

In this film it essentially explains how our privacy here in the united states is being violated because of the Patriot act.”they know where you got on the bus, where you went to work,where you slept,and what other cell phones slept with you”(edward Snowden) this act was placed in right after the nine eleven terrorist attack occurred, it was meant to help stop terrorists from doing there thing. Instead now they monitor everyone's phone calls, texts, and locations. As Edward Snowden said “arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy is no different than saying you don't care about freedom of speech because you have nothing to say.” he is right in every way possible because even though i have nothing to hide it just feels like i am constantly being watched. Almost like the camera in Winston's room, there is only little difference between the two. When our government tells us that we are free what does that actually mean because in the novel 1984 “freedom is slavery” we are put under a spell into thinking that we are are free but we are really just being watched in secret. It was also said by Winston that “ignorance is strength” he is referring that a lack of knowledge is strength in the way that you will not be constantly aware that you are being watched. This is what the government wants us to be thinking and Edward Snowden is not going to allow “the U.S. government to destroy privacy and basic

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