
Examples Of Totalitarianism In George Orwell's '1984'

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Ariana Leon Mr. Cagley ERWC 9 April 1015 1984 Essay In the book 1984 by George Orwell, Orwell describes a society based on totalitarianism throughout the life of Winston Smith, a guy who believed that the party would not be able to brainwash him and would be able to rebel against them. When Winston was taken by the party, O'Brien and Winston had a discussion about the society and how Winston believed that eventually somebody would overthrow the power. O'Brien proved to him that getting overpowered would not happen as he put Winston through the suffering. O'Brien implies that a society based on hate and suffering could exist for a long time as long as the ruler knows how to play the cards correctly. Oceania was a society based off hate where …show more content…

O'Brien told him, "Who controls the past’…’controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." (35) A group that manipulates people for instance the party that ruled Oceania, used propaganda to make people believe in Big Brother by having the two Minutes of Hate, Hate Week, and having their history rewritten with the propaganda by the Ministry of Truth. Having history rewritten the way the party wanted made the society believe all that was being told to them even if it was considered wrong. Manipulating a society with propaganda and rewriting their history controls their way of learning and empowers the ones who are …show more content…

Winston questioned O’Brien how one can take supremacy on those who rebel on what is being instructed and came out with the response “This drama that I have played out with you during seven years will be played out over and over again generation after generation, always in subtler forms.”(268) O’Brien knows that people will have a similar mindset as Winston and will come around trying to overthrow the party thinking they have a chance but by having torture the people will know not to violate unless they want to get into worse trouble. Anybody trying to do wrong eventually deals with the consequences and learns their lesson from the party’s planning. A society can be manipulated through a duration of time as long as the one in charge is aware of their surroundings and is prepared for the

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