
Examples Of Transcendentalism In Dead Poets Society

Decent Essays

In the movie “Dead Poets Society”, the idea of transcendentalism is the predominant theme throughout, with a basic message of self-reliance and individualism. Todd Anderson, the awkward and shy sibling of one of Weldon’s valedictorians, is well-liked by others and highly expected of, but he lacks self-assurance and resorts to social isolation. At the end of the movie though, Todd demonstrates that biggest change in character and his development into a transcendentalist is greater than anyone else’s. His newly found transcendentalism views is most predominant near the end of the movie, where Todd leads most of the class to stand up on their desks in homage to their life-altering teacher, Mr. Keating. After Mr. Keating is fired from his position as the English teacher at Weldon, he returns to collect his belongings during the middle of his previous class. Todd, showing a newly rebellious spirit and …show more content…

Keating forces him to create a poem on the spot in front of the class, although he is well-aware of Todd’s resistance to speak in front of others, after he write a poem on his own as requested. Mr. Keating questions Todd and installs him with a sense of confidence in his own abilities, “Mr. Anderson thinks that everything inside of him is worthless and embarrassing. Isn't that right, Todd? Isn't that your worst fear? Well, I think you're wrong. I think you have something inside of you that is worth a great deal”. Mr. Keating teaches Todd to think freely for himself and that these thoughts and opinions he has are valued. In the end, Todd becomes self-reliant, confident in himself and his ideas and beliefs. He does not conform to society and distinguishes himself amongst the rest, maintaining his own voice, and he overcomes his previous shy and isolated self, becoming a leader, when introduced to these ideas of individualism and

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