
Examples Of Violence In Macbeth

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Concerning Violence in Macbeth When someone punches you in the face, it’s because they’re angry at you, and their best solution to handle that anger, is to punch you. But if a fictional character were to do the same thing, the punch would be more than just a punch; it could be metaphorical. As Thomas Doster explains in How To Read Literature Like a Professor, “[violence] can be symbolic, thematic, biblical, Shakespearean, Romantic, allegorical, transcendent,” when it comes to literature (Foster). As just stated, violence can be Shakespearean, stemming from plays such as Macbeth, which exhibits a lot of violence. Foster claims that there are two sorts of violence: “situation” violence, where it is character-on-character violence and there is always a guilty party, and “authorial” violence, which is written in by the narrator and is used for plot advancement or thematic development. Macbeth portrays many examples of both types of violences. …show more content…

This scene recounted from the Captain establishes that Macbeth is ruthless and will kill anyone to get to his goal, and in this case, killed everyone who was literally in his way between himself and Macdonwald, and then sliced his head off once he reached Macdonwald. The violence that is portrayed here is not essential to the development of the story, it is only presented to create a more dramatic visual picture and a more intense setting. It is also used to foreshadow Macbeth’s actions to become

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