
Examples Of Weather In The Great Gatsby

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Weathers and seasons for us are pouring rain, sunny, spring and summer, but to Fitzgerald he uses weather and seasons to show the feelings and emotions that Gatsby and Daisy secretly have for each other. The weather that was revealed throughout the novel displayed how Gatsby and Daisy had emotions for each other, because when they were together the weather was always presented in a special way. When Daisy walks into Gatsby's house, he created a setup of flowers for Daisy. As they were talking, the weather was sizzling with heat. While Gatsby and Daisy were inside, realizing how much they missed each other the rain went away and the sun came out. Fitzgerald expressed this weather because he knew they were “hot” for each other. The sun represents …show more content…

Scott Fitzgerald because when Gatsby and Daisy aren’t together the rain starts instantly. As Daisy is on her way to Nick’s house, it is pouring rain because Gatsby is nervously waiting for her. “The day agreed on pouring rain”(Fitzgerald 78). The time it had rained the most was the unfortunate death of Gatsby, when at his funeral Daisy was unable to make it. During the funeral it poured rain because of Daisy and Gatsby not being together. The mood of the funeral was presented in the symbolically dark, gloomy and rainy weather. Therefore the rain symbolically washing away Gatsby’s sins away. When Nick left he said “when I left his office the sky had turned dark and I got back to West Egg in a drizzle” (Fitzgerald 172). The rain creates an effect during Gatsby’ funeral. No one showed up to his funeral besides Owl Eyes which is why Gatsby’s funeral was a gloomy rainy day. Rain and sun show the emotions of Gatsby and Daisy have for each other, but also the seasons play a big …show more content…

In the summer while all the characters are at Tom’s house, everything was told to Tom about the relationship between Gatsby and Daisy. It was the hottest day of the summer and the heat was representing the tension between everyone. As the tension rose in the house of Tom Buchanan, as he said "I can't speak about what happened five years ago, because I didn't know Daisy then—and I'll be damned if I see how you got within a mile of her unless you brought the groceries to the back door. But all the rest of that's a God damned lie. Daisy loved me when she married me and she loves me now"(Fitzgerald 130). As the summer ends, as summer is turning into fall, it is when Gatsby’s story falls apart. While Gatsby’s laying in the pool, under the falling autumn leaves, Wilson shoots Gatsby and then kills himself because of the car accident. Because the novel continually transitioning between weather and seasons the emotions are changing

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