Which counts more—taking a stand or winning? "Everyone wants to see the top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it." -Andy Rooney Sometimes you fall, you don't get to the top and you fail. That doesn't mean you didn't sweat, made an effort and took a stand. The road is the hardest part of any goal, the way you act, the courage you have and your attitude are the important things in your path. Trying, conquering yourself, learning through experience, gaining knowledge, these are the definitions for winning. So taking a stand is what really matters. Like in Beowulf, he was recognised for surviving through battles, but what makes him admirable is his consistency and the path he had to take to reach
Comparison and contrast of evident similarities and bright contrasts between United States of America and one of the European country – Poland. Both of the countries have similar environment, geographic shapes: mountains, seas, lakes and forests, but different climates. There also differences between politic, religion, nation, history, and culture.
What are the challenges of the Anglo-Saxon life, that Beowulf faces? The strongest competitors Beowulf faced were Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and the dragon.
One example of Beowulf’s strengths was no other man could do the same tasks, and fight the battles he fought. Beowulf goes into many battles throughout his lifetime. Also, the quote in line 505-506 “If weapons were useless he’d use his hands, the strength in his fingers”. Beowulf also lifts the giant forged sword from the wall and swings it hard enough to cut of Grendel’s mothers head. A sword that is described as “so massive that no ordinary man could lift its carved and decorated lengths.
Beowulf is a model of leadership for our own times because he is very courageous and his strength is super human like. His skills and traits would not be good in our times though because a leader of a nation in our time doesn’t need to be very courageous and very strong to fight off people or go to war.
A hero is defined as “a person noted for courageous acts or nobility of character,” says dictionary.com. During the whole book Beowulf is saving the Geats, aiding Hrothgar, killing creatures and saving his people. He shows his heroism through his bravery and acts of courage; but he is also being assisted through fate and God. From killing Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and the dragon he knows that he is doing great things for all of the people in his kingdoms.
Eusebius writes as a Christian perspective; he introduces us to another Christian Dorotheus. Dorotheus was a much known person highly recommended by the imperialists. When the edict of Nicodemia was established in public, he tore it up happy, cheerfully, confidently and accepted the violent punishment for his actions; however, this led to the following of believers who admired this nobility and courage. He continues in Nicodemia speaking on the execution of Peter for his religious conviction. He was demanded to be stripped, held up naked, and his whole entire body was torn with whips till he gave up and gave in and carried out there command. Peter did not agree to surrender to the gods and was bleed to death. He tells the persecution spreading
Beowulf characteristic in terms of heroic quest affected the plot. Beowulf characteristic revels him to be the most Reliable, Bravest, Strongest helping hand Warrior around, in a way he can be compared yet he carries his own independent traits. To begin with, in the beginning of the story “The Coming of Beowulf “Beowulf started off expressing within actions how reliable he truly can be. Beowulf heard of the unfortunate problems and Volunteer Him & his fellow men (with protection of Heriot) to go fight and defeat Grendel.
The world as it is depicted in Beowulf is home to many aspects of society that are at odds with behaviors acceptable in modern culture, but perhaps shares a startling number of similarities as well. As part of the Anglo-Saxon society, the concept of loyalty is imbued into the seams of the civilization, and allegiance can be found split between lords and kin. Tales concerning themselves with eternal human problems are not few and far between in Beowulf—given that it is an epic poem—and antithesis governs the flow of the narrative. In the midst of the battles raging between evil and good, heroes and villains, mourning and glory, and victory and defeat, death is omnipresent, constantly looming and prompting men to drift towards their swords. This is a society in which chances for a clean slate—a tabula rasa—are minimal, and every action is chiseled in stone, forever etched into eternity. During a time period when very little is certain, the only guarantee of being remembered, of having your name go down stamped with your identity, is through heroism and action. Boasting is a means through which one can build a reputation for himself, planting his name into his opponents’ heads and setting a foundation for success. It remains a skill to be used prudently, though, as overstating and misrepresenting one’s abilities has the great potential to yield adverse repercussions.
The actions taken by Beowulf in the Prologue shows a character flaw, because the displays of courage, or bravery, could also be interpreted as pride. Beowulf comes as a foreigner to accomplish the legendary impossible mission. The coast guard concludes that the group is there out of “bravery not punishment,” (339). However, I believe there is a third option: pride. Just by them being there shows the boastfulness of their leader, because Beowulf is leading them into a monster-infested city to complete a mission that no one in over a decade has been able to do.
Although that we have good and evil in this world inside of our society what would be the outcome from this and how can ‘’good triumphing over evil’’. And what would it take to defeat evil. And how I can connect to other books movies or in our society now days. The force in the epic battle in star wars the type of strategy that the rebels do to stop the sith/dark side from taking over planets?
I think taking a stand counts more than winning. If you ever took a stand for something you would know the feeling that you get for doing something right. Everyone has there own opinion but i just believe in standing up over winning.
The story of Beowulf is one of a great hero. Beowulf is a very generous person who is always willing to help out when people are in need. Over the course of the story, Beowulf ends up in three major battles: the battle with Grendel, with Grendel’s mother, and with the dragon. All of these battles were different in their style and the way Beowulf approached them was different. Beowulf also had different reasons to participate in each of the battles.
“Where is the glory in doing something that others have done” (Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief). A quote befitting of the character Beowulf who slew the abomination known as Grendel to save the people of Heorot, then killing his vengeful mother using the sword Hrunting and finally as his last legendary exploit he brought down a mighty dragon to save his kingdom, the most prominent definition of an epic hero and the epitome of what the ideal Scandinavian hero is. On the surface, this may seem like Beowulf is a selfless hero willing to go to great lengths to save the people around him but after deeper analysis of the story, it may be that Beowulf’s pride and search for glory is what truly drives him.
He showed courage by risking his own life to help Hrothgar and the people of Herot by volunteering to fight Grendel. Beowulf states “That I alone, and with the help of my men, may purge all the evil from this hall” (pg.48). He also showed courage by fighting the dragon, even though he was getting too old, he still wanted to help and fight the dragon. He stated “I am old, now, but I will fight again, seek fame still, if the dragon hiding in his tower dares to face me” (pg.56-57). Beowulf exemplified having courage by putting down his weapons and armor in the battle between him and Grendel, he wanted to fight him equally considering Grendel had no weapons. He made it a battle of strength and he displayed courage by believing in himself and taking a risk in fighting against Grendel. Beowulf was very full of courage, which he proved by fighting in his battles and risking his life for the sake of others.
In recent decades, the global economy has undergone a rapid transformation, from an economy driven by “traditional hard assets- plants, warehouses and the like”, to an economy driven by patents, software, intellectual property, and brands. These items fall into a category that has become hugely important in the world of financial reporting, “intangible assets”. Increasingly, the value of a firm is derived not from its tangible assets such as stock, property, plant and equipment but by its knowledge capital, its employees, even by its business processes. As Baruch Lev notes in 2001: