
Examples Of Wyrd In Beowulf

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Wyrd If you believed in fate would you change the way you live your life? Would you worry as much? Would get angry or sad as often? The Anglo-Saxons had many principles to live by and one of those was wyrd, fate. I believe wyrd was the most important ideal to follow. Fate cannot be changed. Since fate cannot be changed, there is no point in having fear of the future because the future is already predestined. Having no fear means having courage, strength, bravery and confidence. Beowulf lived by this in battle. He went in without fear of his destiny and came out a conqueror for most of his life. Beowulf holds fate responsible for his early victories. He believes that God has the power over everything and He determines everyone’s fate. It says in line 455 “Fate goes ever as fate must.” Beowulf was a devout Pagan warrior in which wyrd played an important factor in the Pagan culture. God determined if Beowulf …show more content…

However, I do not believe in fate. I believe it goes against scripture. I believe God gave us free will. For example, when Adam and Eve were in the garden and they had the choice to eat from every tree except one but they chose to eat from the forbidden tree anyway. God has the power to make us follow him and do right but that is not what He wants. He wants us to choose Him because we want to in our hearts. Our actions will determine our ending. I believe that everyone’s fate will be either heaven or hell. Our conduct here on earth is what dictates us getting into heaven. God is the only one to judge and decide that for us. I do not think that wyrd is a ubiquitous principle that people live by today. I think we can see from our actions that we reap what we sew. I believe that the majority of people would agree that you can manipulate your fate exactly or close to how you want

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