I've read a book and watch a movie about King Author and I liked the book better because the book has more interesting idea. The idea of the book is mostly about magic. The example of magic that I like the most is King Author's sword from the Lake Lady called Excalibur. Also, the book have more character like Merlin. These are the reasons that make me like the book better. The Excalibur is a magical sword from the book. This sword is from the Lake Lady. She gave it to King Author because when King Author broke his sword in the fight. The sword is magic. In the battles, he win by using his sword. The Excalibur, magical sword, in the book is the best sword. The idea in the book is more interesting than the movie. In the book, the author introduce
I like the book better than the movie. I like the book better because I could decide what a scene would look like. For example, in the book, it describes True Son. It says, “The boy wore a brand-new calico hunting shirt. It covered the boy’s upper parts and halfway down his leggings. His hair was black and his face and arms brown as an Indian, but you couldn’t mistake the English cast of his features.” I could make up in my mind how I wanted True Son to look. In the movie, I saw what was on the screen, and couldn’t make the scene look how I wanted it
But which one is better? I'll be talking about the features of the character traits, settings, and plot of both the book and movie, to show which one is better. In my opinion, I like the book better and here are the reasons why. To begin, I'm going to be talking about the characteristics of both the book and the movie. In the book, the characteristics and their traits were put in very good detail.
Which is better and more enjoyable to listen to or watch? I would say the book is stronger in detail and more enjoyable to listen to than to watch the movie because it has a superior plot, character development, emotions, and ending than the movie. The first reason is, that the characters had so much
Finally there are lots of differences between the book and the movie. They also show that the movie was a lot weaker then then the book. I can see the movies aren't always better than the books. The books go more into detail than the movie. I enjoined the movie because it is more visual. The book was a little
Many people may agree that the movie was better, but personally, i think the book was better. The book let your imagination go wild, but the movie just held your imagination back by showing you the scene on a screen. Unlike the movie, the book gave a more vivid description of “The Tell Tale Heart” by telling you every single detail. That is why I think the book was more enjoyable to read instead, of watching the movie.
Both the novel and the movie have the strengths and weaknesses. In my opinion, it is more clearly explained about the strong bonds between Billy and his dogs in the book than in the movie. I can really understand how much Billy loved his dogs, and the expression of love was more in the book than in the movie. The book gives more detailed information than the movie. However, I prefer watching the movie because it seems to be more
I much preferred the movie version to the novel. For me, author William Kennedy’s style of writing is needlessly vague and difficult to follow, yet he did a wonderful job adapting
I think the movie is better than the book because it’s more visual, has more action, and has props.
- This book is a really good book not a very good movie because they have so many differences if they would have not started in the middle of the book then it would have been really good and entertaining but it just doesn't give me the vision in my head of the whole book . A movie to me is where a book comes to life and, but it still was a good movie but could have been
“Books and movies are like apples and oranges. They both are fruit, but taste completely different,” Stephen King once said. Truley, books and movies are most of the time the same, but sometimes one rises above the other. In this situation, the movie rises over the book. While reading a Raisin in the Sun it seemed like they stayed in the same spot the whole time. In the movie they showed us and explained all of the places that they mentioned in the book and it gave me the larger picture. The movie a Raisin in the Sun is better than the book because it has more details and gives us a better visualization.
The book is better because it gives more excitement and emotion. The book just explains each of the events in great detail. I don’t know about other people, but for me the more information there is, the more I understand it. And in the movie of “The Outsiders”, it does not really say much about what’s going on. For instance, when Johnny dies, in the movie, Ponyboy goes home but it does not tell how long he had been out. In the book, Pony is walking home from the hospital and a man asked him if he wanted a ride (Hinton 151). Though others might think that the movie is better because it visualizes the events that are happening. But, even though it envisions what the book tells about does not mean that it is one hundred percent better.
In Tinorgea the government will have their own building called the Governmental Building of Tinorgea. In the building will be the dictator and his family. The dictator will be chosen by the previous dictator. The new dictator chosen must also be approved by Head of Security which is also chosen by the dictator at the time. To make a law, the dictator will first send a request to the Head of Security which will then approve the law it will then go back to the dictator and will be sent out for a public vote. The public will vote on the law and the majority of the population vote decides. To keep our citizens safe, we will have Watch Towers every one tenth of a mile. Inside the tower will be Security members that are armed with small guns. The
Although the movie, The Cay had a lot of action, the novel by Theodore Taylor was much more descriptive and had a lot more detail. The book is very exciting and the reader always wants to see what will happen next. The movie is not as exciting and doesn't really have a lot of detail. Also the movie does not have very good quality. I also think that the book was mostly based on Philip’s prejudice but in the movie it doesn’t really show how Philip is prejudice.
Both share the same plot, and there are very little differences between the two. These are a few of the differences that I was able to notice between the book and the movie. There are several others throughout the story, but they are all just as minute and in the end they have no effect on the outcome of the story. Overall, I was very impressed with the movie and it was very true to the book. I have seen my share of movies that were adaptations from books that did not do the book justice, but this one is almost exactly like the book, so it was very
A minor difference between the movie and the book was concerning the scene about Sir Henry going to the moor. In the book he was pretty upset that people were trying to keep him from going there, but in the movie he showed the least bit of emotion. This was not a major impact on the story but it definitely added character to Sir Henry. In the movie Sir Henry was somewhat timid and in the book that scene showed he was not afraid to stand up for himself.