What is the impact of Excess on our culture today? Believe it or not over 20 million children receive free or reduced price lunch each day at school in America. Less than half of them get breakfast, and only 10% have access to summer meal sites. Yes, even in America children and adults likewise have a limited food source or are starving. America has an abundance of food and every year 40% of the food in the USA is thrown out, that includes good food that could have been shared or donated. All this excess uneaten food could have fed at least 25 million Americans. As proud Americans we should work to decrease the amount of food wasted, and the amount of children and adults that go hungry each day. Many of us cringe at the sight of a poor orphan from Africa or when we see the abandoned shelter dogs, why should it be any different for poor child in America. Many think there is just nothing they can do to help, but there is so much you can do. Instead of throwing unexpired food away try taking it to a food bank there is always one nearby and there is always a demand for food. And don’t worry everything counts from canned goods …show more content…
And what are the major causes behind this you ask? Well overstocking, the expectation of perfection, and sell by dates. As you may have noticed, not all of these explanations are the grocery stores fault. So really the main problem is picky consumers. Super markets around the country have been overstocking for years. Overstocking creates a high supply and a low demand which theoretically leads to other mechanisms of waste. Stores will throw out bananas due to a few brown spots even though the banana is still perfectly edible. Grocery’s also throw away foods before the sell by dates, even though the food is often good for at least two more weeks. Even when we buy the excess food it’s amazing how much still goes to
It was difficult to read that countless millions of federal dollars and many of our country's most successful efforts to halt the spread of childhood hunger and starvation have recently been withdrawn. And as a result, this problem of childhood hunger is not getting better but is actually getting worse. The most recent estimates compiled by the USDA in 1999 indicate that 36.2 million Americans live in food-insecure households, which means that their access to adequate and safe food is limited or uncertain. This too is very disturbing information.
Many people do not realize that hunger and malnutrition is a problem that many Americans face on a daily basis. Maybe, we are failing to realize that our country is not perfect, but if we don’t try to do anything then more and more children will die. The problem with child hunger is that the United States may not face as dramatic problems with hunger as that of other countries, but
One of the country’s that produces the most food and wastes the most food is the United States. A major reason is because food is cheaper in the United States than anywhere else in the world. Fruits and vegetables have the highest wastage rates of any food. The obsession with the
There are many people in this world that have affected the medical field. Some invented places, supplies, and medicine. However, there is a certain man who created a medicine that would prevent pain while in surgery. Crawford Long discovered anesthesia. Anesthesia is insensitivity to pain, especially as artificially induced by the administration of gases or the injection of drugs before surgical operations.
This causes a big problem, for one this makes it harder for kids to focus in school. This is overall bad because lots of food hunger comes from lack of education. Education is key to everything in life if it's getting a job to just being able to do a daily thing, and if a kid can't stay awake then there low hope. For many kids there only meal a day is the one that they get from school and on the weekends it's hard to find one. Georgia Mountain Food Bank knows this so they make an impact by being open on the weekends and allowing those families and many others come in. The biggest way to help is donate whether it's food, money, or volunteering. Georgia Mountain Food Bank works with many other organizations to set up events for food insecure people all across Georgia. Once a month a group called Hands Across Atlanta holds a eat day where volunteers come with prepared food and serve back to the community. Many people come and businesses, many times there will be showers, barbers, a dj, and sports to play for
Hunger is a big social issue facing America today. According to (“Do Something.com”) 1 out of 6 people face hunger in the US. Also 49 Million Americans Struggle to put food on the table. America is the best country in world, we shouldn’t have so many people hungry. Many people have thought of fixing this problem but one company has found a way to help fix this problem, this company is Feeding America. They have been giving people food since 1979. They’ve helped out 46 million Americans. ( feedingamerica.org )
everyday, you are probably wondering why nationwide hunger is an issue. Families that are subject to poverty generally have little money, goods, and don’t often have much support. Economic income does determine if a child is more likely to go hungry or not. Right here in the Central Valley and Imperial County have the highest percentage of child hunger. Due to high unemployment rates, people are having harder times to feed their families. Because of this Feeding America discovered that these families are forced to make the choice between feeding their household or paying bills and rent to provide a roof and warm bed. Even with organizations such as Hungry Harvest, Feed the Children, Meals on Wheels, Feeding America and No Kid Hungry, studies continue to show that nationwide hunger is still a serious issue in the United States. In order to solve this problem more people need to be made aware of how important it is to help those that don’t have the same luxuries and to create new organizations and programs that lower income families can benefit
In conclusion, hunger in America is at an all time high due to poverty and the economy. The increasingly high number of starving children has gone up over the past years and needs to be stopped. There are government programs set up to help stop hunger in American, such as, SNAP Food Stamps and WIC. We can get involved by volunteering with Feeding America or other non-for-profit organizations set for feeding the hungry. Food donations and monetary donations have always been a great way to help out for those who don’t have the time to donate.
Why do we find so much food in dumpsters? According to the National Assets Defense Council, America discards about 40% of meals produced every year (Osterweil). Even as individuals are accountable for losing meals, restaurants and bakeries are similarly responsible for their food wastes. They generally tend to throw away most ingredients and ingredients that can no longer be used. One of the principal motives to why the USA produces a lot of waste from meals is because of the supermarkets. Most supermarkets find significance in their “appearance, convenience and profit” (Osterweil). They show massive amounts of food at once to enchant their clients as if it were a show. Consequently, if the supermarkets have leftovers, items that the customers have not purchased, they may discard it.
We are using the money for pointless things. Such as, televisions, useless fences, and unhealthy school lunches. If we put our money and effort towards healthy food, we can improve their diet. “But food distributed by the National School Lunch Program contains some of the same ingredients found in fast food,” ( No Lunch Left Behind). This shows that kids at our school are basically eating junk food every day. The food they distribute doesn’t meet the nutritional standards. This needs to be changed urgently. It is important to use our money towards more healthy food so we can change their lives. We need to include fresh fruits and vegetables in our meal. Food needs to be made from scratch, not straight from the
Hunger has always been a problem in the United States. When hearing about food issues most people think about obesity and how it is the main problem; not many people hear as much about hunger as they do obesity, or how the public should be eating certain types of food. In reality, hunger is a massive factor in the world. There are 48.1 million people in America who claim to not get enough meals (Feeding America). In Minnesota alone one in ten families say they do not receive enough food each day (Siple). I am focusing on the Twin Cities area because they have a population of 3.2 million people (Sternberg). Being hungry is an that is dealt with all around the world. To fix this problem the public needs to focus on a certain area, and in a brief
While there are malnourished people in America, it is much worse all around the world, mostly in third world countries. There are three predominate reasons why third world countries are hit hard with malnutrition, 1) poor families aren’t given government help, 2) difficulties with economy and 3) higher food prices. (“2012 World Hunger…”) As stated in the website “2012 World Hunger and Poverty Facts and Statistics,” in the world there are 925 million hungry people, most of them in Asia, the Pacific and Africa. These people live on $1.25 or less a day. Minimum wage is $7.25 in the U.S., and most people work 8 hours a day, so that means they would be getting fifty-eight dollars a day. It would take someone in a third world country about forty-seven days to make what someone makes in America in 8 hours. And most of them spend that money on food and medical needs, but $1.25 is not enough. In the United States if a family doesn’t have enough money for medical help, they can still go see a doctor, but in other countries it’s very different. More than 30,000 children die per year from preventable sickness because they can’t go see a doctor. And as for food, Americans have access to food every hour of the day. The wealthiest 5th of the world consumes 86% of all goods, as stated in "Child Welfare League of
Americans throw away billions of pounds of food, worth billions of dollars and enough to feed millions of people each year. Food waste is the single largest component of American landfills. Every year, around 40 percent of all food goes unconsumed in the United States. This amounts to Americans squandering as much as $218 billion annually growing, processing and transporting food that never gets eaten. That is a very vast waste of resources considering all the freshwater, land, fertilizer, and energy used was for nothing. ‘Washington Post’. Even Europe does a better job of curtailing food waste and food waste in Europe alone could feed 200 million hungry people! Food waste is often described as a “farm-to-fork” problem because produce is lost in fields, warehouses, packaging, distribution, supermarkets, restaurants and fridges. How do Americans waste so much food? We purchase too many food products, our eyes are bigger than our stomachs, and we buy what is not expected.
In 2014, a foundation called Feeding America did a survey on the people they serve and found that in order to stretch their food budgets 79% of them purchase inexpensive and unhealthy food in order to stay fed. This can seriously impact their health, because no matter the age, healthy bodies and minds require nutritious meals. In some cases, food insecurity can even lead to Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and obesity. These are just a few examples of why food insecurity is so harmful. Fortunately, there are many organizations, clubs, and foundations that are committed to ending hunger in America, and eventually the world. The first step to solving this problem is spreading information, and realizing just how dangerous food insecurity is, and who it affects. After learning these things, you may want to help and there are many ways to do that. I’m sure in the past, you've donated food to the annual canned food drive our school puts on, and that’s just one way you can contribute to solving this problem. There are many organizations that ask for donations and will put your money to great use, for example every dollar you donate to Feeding America will provide 11 meals for a child in need.If you don’t have food or money to donate, you can donate
Art is something I have always admired but it has been just that, an admiration. I have been drawing since my earliest memory, and taught myself to draw from what I saw. While I have developed my skills over the years, I have never formally taken an art class or even learned about different varieties of art form. Now that I have the opportunity to pursue a degree in a creative field, I have realized there is such a vast majority of art, artists, and that we have to look deeper into art and the meaning behind it. Looking at art in terms of its contribution to society has been an even bigger challenge, because it is something that I personally have never thought to consider.