
Limiting Homework Essay

Decent Essays

Excessive Amounts of Homework is Not Beneficial
Homework is defined as tasks assigned to students by school teachers that are intended to be carried out during non-school hours. The most common purpose of homework is to have students practice the material already presented in class also to reinforce learning and ease comprehension of specific skills. Homework has been a debatable topic for many years. Some researches agree that homework is beneficial while others disagree with that statement. Further research was done on how homework gives students stress. Students also have other activities they are involved in. When too much homework is given students become bored and cannot focus this reflects negatively on their progress. Although there are downsides to homework some researchers believe there is good in homework. Homework lets students use what they learned during the day and put it to use. It also keeps students occupied and teaches them how to manage their time.
The homework debate has been fuming for many decades, with what seems like no end. On one hand there are the defenders of homework who testify its benefits and efficacy, and on the other hand we have the critics who would like schools to overthrow giving homework to students. Among the supporters there is also the question of just how much homework is the right amount of homework. Parents, educators, students and the general public have all been deeply divided over the homework issue for a long time. Some

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