Many people around the world suffer from excessive daytime sleepiness, and it can be a serious problem that can affect their lives. After all, if you feel sudden drowsiness due to your daytime sleepiness, you may end up falling asleep at work, in the middle of a meeting, while you are eating, or even when you are behind the wheel on a busy highway. It is important to understand as much as possible about this disorder, as well as what causes it, why it happens, and how to deal with it. Below is everything you need to know about this problem.
Excessive Daytime Sleepiness: Getting Checked Out
When you get checked out, your doctor will ask a few questions to determine whether or not you have EDS, as well as what could be causing it:
How well and how much can you sleep at night?
Are you prone to snoring?
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These depressions are marked by stress and anxiety, which prevents you from sleeping at night. The drowsiness that you feel during the day is caused by the depression that prevents you from sleeping.
Sleep Misalignment - Those suffering from jet lag will usually feel very tired during the day, as their circadian sleep pattern has been disrupted. Those working shifts may feel the drowsiness when they change their shift from day to night, or vice versa. Those with circadian rhythm sleep disorders may also suffer from EDS.
Medical Conditions - There are certain medical conditions that can cause extreme drowsiness during the day, such as anemia, hypothyroidism, or kidney failure. If you receive an injury to your head, it may also cause EDS. Those that have had their central nervous system damaged may also find EDS is a problem, as well as those with tumors.
These are the main causes of EDS, and sleep specialists will be able to determine which the primary causes of your extreme drowsiness are during the day.
Excessive Daytime Sleepiness:
This disorder can be caused by several different factors, a list of these factors are as followed; Different shift work, pregnancy, time zone changes, medications and changes in our sleep pattern like staying up late or sleeping in late. It has also been
The accuracy of the diagnostic of narcolepsy is an important. First we need to determine if the cause of the narcolepsy is not another sleep disorder as OSA. Documentation of physical evaluation that should document degree of alertness and patients behavior. Medical history examination have to be analyzed. Use of questionnaires to assess subjective sleepiness and sleep patterns. The most used questionnaire is th Epworth Sleepiness scale and a MSLT study performed in an accredited Sleep Center.
A chronic sleep-restricted state can cause fatigue, daytime
A person with narcolepsy can experience extreme daytime sleepiness and uncontrollable falling asleep during daytime.
It can be considered a symptom of an undiagnosed sleep disorder or other medical conditions. Those affected by sleep deprivation are known to experience daytime sleepiness, fatigue, clumsiness, and weight gain/loss as well as effects on the brain and cognitive functions. These symptoms negatively affect students who are having to get up early for school (“Sleep Deprivation - Research & Treatments”).
Sleepiness during the day and napping a lot are some of the common features of
This need to sleep grows much stronger at night. Because of this set rhythm in your body, the urge to sleep will be triggered at these times of day. This occurs no matter how much sleep you got the night before. A lack of quality sleep can also make you tired at the wrong times of day. Teens can throw off their body clocks by often staying up late at night. Their clocks will also be off if they are always changing their schedule of when the sleep and wake-up. When their internal clocks are not set right, teens can become very sleepy when they should be wide awake. This can cause them to fall asleep at school, at work, or while they are driving.There are two main factors that affect how sleepy or how alert you are at any given time in a day. The first is how long it has been since you last slept. This is called the sleep-wake balance. If you stay awake for too long, your sleep-wake balance will be off. This will make you sleepy.The second factor that affects your level of sleepiness is your internal body clock. This clock controls the "circadian rhythms" in your
McMahon , et al, 2014). Another factor that can play into S.A.D. is melatonin, which helps with sleep and wake cycles. Rosenthal, et al, notes how the pineal gland, the gland that produces melatonin, will react to dark surroundings with drowsiness that can lead people to being lethargic (as cited in Melrose, 2015). When melatonin increases and serotonin decreases, the offset of the proteins can cause circadian rhythms to be disrupted, which is the bodies “24 hour” clock. Researcher Melrose writes that “…circadian rhythms respond to the rhythmic light-dark changes that occur daily and throughout each of the seasons.” (2015). People with S.A.D. disorder normally find that their circadian rhythms are off beat and timed differently with day lengths, for example feeling tired in the middle of the day while being wide awake or feeling wide awake when it would normally be time to sleep.
Most people with this will find it difficult to stay awake until a normal sleeping hour. This can cause excessive daytime sleepiness if, for example, a person stays awake past when they would normally sleep for social reasons. Even if the person goes to sleep later they will still awake around 1-5 am and this can cause early morning insomnia. Other daytime symptoms stemming from this include fatigue and sometimes depression.
Don’t do your work in where you sleep. b. Remedies: Before bed take a hot shower this causes the body to change temperature that causes drowsiness. Drink plenty of water during the day. Eat light for dinner. B. Natural remedies that is simple.
We spend one third of our lives doing it, and yet, some of us never seem to be able to get enough. People all over the world don’t receive enough sleep whether it’s from a medical condition like narcolepsy, or simply not having enough time in a day. The effects of getting a good night’s rest are essential and signs of sleep depravation are not as hard to spot as one may think.
Have you ever considered the importance of sleep and the impact it can have on your health? It is likely that most of us have experienced trouble sleeping at some point in our lives. This is typical and usually lasts for a short period of time due to stress or other various factors. However, if it becomes a regular occurrence then perhaps you may be suffering from some type of sleeping disorder. Sleep disorders can be detrimental to one’s physical and mental health disrupting the actions of your daily life.
The following guide is here to help you identify why you are struggling to get the satisfactory sleep you need (and deserve).
Night shift workers function on a schedule that is not "natural". Being exposed to artificial light at night suppressed the production of the melatonin, a naturally produced hormone that tells the body it's time to sleep. This leads to disruption of the circadian rhythm which can lead to feelings of fatigue. "Jet lag" is often the term used to describe these feelings. Night shift work disrupts the quantity of sleep but also the quality of sleep. Daytime sleep is seldom as deep and refreshing as sleeping through the night. Being constantly tired is the most common complain of shift
Often, sleep disturbances are associated with situational stresses such as illness, aging, and drug treatments.