
Excessive Force Cases

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Excessive or reasonable force by police? Research on law enforcement and racial conflict a research conducted by John Wihbey and Leighton Walter Kille. The main logic behind this research was a result of continuous Allegations of the U.S. police officers and law enforcement agencies using excessive force while on the job for the past two decades. The writers of the research begun by stating the most recent police brutality cases starting from Eric Garner who died as a result of a “chokehold” by an officer, A month later the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by officer Darren Wilson, Tamir Rice who was shot by police in Cleveland, Ohio, Walter L. Scott was shot by a police officer during a routine traffic stop, and Freddie Gray who died while …show more content…

It also illustrates that the use of Taser and other CEDs can reduce the statistical rate of injury to suspects and officers who might be involved in physical conflict based on an analysis of 12 agencies and more than 24,000 use-of-force cases demonstrates that the odds of suspect injury decreased by almost 60% when a CED are utilized due to a 2011 report provided by the National Institute of Justice. Nonetheless, a 2011 study shows that CED use has risen about 70% as the use of baton has decreased by 25% in 2008.

Potential impact of body cameras section discusses how the use of body camera has increased during the years between the interaction of the police and the public, the research and training of how to store the video recordings for the safety of the officers and the citizens.
Public opinion and media talks about the coverage of incidents by the mass media and surveys that confirms the continues existences of racism and bias in America despite the social progress and awareness of higher levels of black incarceration prompt a great support among whites for prison programs and tougher

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