
Executing An Effective Iep Meeting Requires Multiple Elements

Decent Essays

Executing an effective IEP meeting requires multiple elements, as various key stakeholders are involved within the process. As a special education program specialist I have daily opportunities to participate in an Individualized Education Plans (IEPs). Typically, my involvement is stemmed from high profile cases in which litigation is anticipated or has transpired within the past. My role is to represent the district and aid in the development of an appropriate offer of a free and appropriate public education (FAPE). In addition, I aid in the facilitation of IEP meetings that seek to education students with disabilities in the least restrictive environments (LRE). I provide detailed descriptions of various program options that are …show more content…

Parents had voiced their apprehensions to the current superintendent, which led to an underlying pressure for the current administrator to remove the student from the school setting. Although I fully acknowledge the parental concerns I recognize the notion that the existing BIP was not implemented fully and the behaviors had direct correlation to the student disability. Unfortunately, the administrator remained quiet during the IEP meeting and did not offer any input during the collaboration period. This generated a strain on the relationship between the school and home setting, as open communication is essential. It is imperative each member of the IEP team feel valued and respected. As the program specialist I stepped in and facilitated conversations which prompted essential discussions centered around the unique needs of the student. In addition, I executed probing questions that provided opportunities for the parent to share specific concerns. My experiences have illuminated the notion that parent must be provided with platforms to voice concerns, share challenges, and provide essential information pertaining to their child. An IEP meeting is a sacred time that allots parents the opportunity to take ownership of their child’s education as an advocate. During the IEP meetings it was determined that a triannual review be held early, therefore permitting the essential assessments to be conducted. These assessments will generate data with the intention of

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