Executive Order 12938 was a signed order given by former President Clinton in regards to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction to include nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons and any delivery methods used as a threat to national security. It gives the Secretary of State the power to put an import ban on any foreign person or entity assisting and or supporting methods to smuggle WMD material and or technology to be used against the United States shall be held accountable. A person of such character is not authorized to import any goods to the country. No person, department or agency of the of the US is allowed to have any agreements and or business deals with such people or person. The Secretary of Commerce and
Executive Order 9066 has been determined unconstitutional. It was unconstitutional because it went against the laws stated in amendments. Executive order 9066 breaks the rights of amendments 2,4,5,6,7, and 8. Executive Order 9066 was when the Japanese Americans were ordered to go internment camps. During this time, the Japanese often worked and labored. Also, white children were separated from the Japanese Americans, in schools. This was signed in 1942, during WWII.
Executive order 13767, issued on January 25th, is a constitutional order because it is a current issue for the people that need be addressed sooner than congress could. It moves too, “Secure the southern border of the United States… by adequate personel so as to prevent illegal immigration, drug and human trafficking, and acts of terrorism” (“Border Security…”). This policy directly helps the American people and the national economy. People who are deported and then return as legal citizens are able to be taxed, providing more money for local government projects and improvements, and are also are able to receive their rights as citizens of the Country. Added security also will allow US citizens who live on the border to have less concern with drug trade from Mexico and
W Bush the 41st president, he decided to implement a ban on some of the certain styles of rifles. The rifles in question are what are commonly referred to as "assault rifles". An assault rifle is classified as such if it meets certain criteria- it is magazine fed, and military style weapon. If this is the case, then every firearm ever invented from the Chinese up until today's weaponry, they were all classified at one time or another to be military. President Bush was asked at a meeting with undercover DEA agents to place a ban on these assault style rifles that were winding up in the wrong hands (source noted). Because of the high rate of fire, and ammunition in magazine, narco traffickers who were obtaining these weapons clearly had an advantage to the law enforcement of the day (Stockton, CA school shooting, FBI Miami shootout of
Atticus Finch is head of the throne over Joe Gargery of Great Expectations and Chlomo Wiesel of Night. I believe that Atticus Finch is an astoundingly well adjusted father for many reasons. First of all, he was a single parent that managed to make time for Jem and Scout, his two children. He is also a courageous, generous, forgiving, and honest man. Atticus Finch is a single parent working an exceptionally hard job to bring in enough income to pay his maid and supply the needs for his children. He is away most of the day at the courthouse defending his clients. Although his job sometimes required long hours, he still made time to read to his daughter at bedtime and pass a ball with his son.Therefore, Atticus Finch of To Kill a Mockingbird is the better father over Joe Gargery of Great Expectations and Chlomo Wiesel of Night because of his courageousness, generosity, forgiveness, and honesty.
With the coming of World War II, African Americans were arguably elevated to a higher standing in society due to the total war effort. But what part would Presidential and Military action take in this advancement since their duty is to protect their citizens? And would the efforts from these offices triumph over the racial prejudice that ruled American society, and most importantly, would their legacy last for an improved quality of life for a good portion of the US population. With these questions in mind, Executive Orders No. 8802 and 9981 as well as President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s call for increased admission of African Americans in the Armed Forces alone did not create change in social perception of Black US citizens, at times highlighting barriers to social equality, but did sow the roots for economic opportunity and in turn gave
exported about $27 million worth of asbestos products and Nearly 1.7 billion pounds of pesticides were exported from U.S. ports between 2001 and 2003. Nearly 28 million pounds of those pesticides were products forbidden in the U.S. (Peebles, 2013). One of the guidelines for selling these forbidden products to other countries is that disclosure is made to the foreign country that the product they are being sold is banned for sale in the US. By providing them with this information we are giving them the opportunity to decline the potentially dangerous product while making an unethical decision appear to be ethical for the good of the US by cashing in on unsafe items which carry hefty costs to safely dispose of.
Putting up an executive order does not mean that it is necessary for national security. Roosevelt once said, "I hereby further authorize and direct the Secretary of War and the said Military commanders to take such other steps as he or the appropriate military commander... enforce compliance with the restriction... military area hereinabove authorized to be designated." Theodore Roosevelt knew what he wanted, and he made his thoughts known. Another thing Roosevelt said was “This order shall not be construed as modifying or limiting in any way the authority heretofore granted under Executive Order No. 8972” The order just ignores the order of 9066.
Since the September 11 attacks terrorism attacks the world has been in a constant war with terrorism. Right after these attacks, the Congress rushed to pass rules to strengthen security in the United States while also limiting our freedoms as a US citizen. On October 23, 2001, the Patriot Act was proposed. This act allows law enforcement officials to obtain a search warrant anywhere a terrorist-related activity occurred, it Prohibits the harboring of terrorists, and it punishes terrorist acts in the United States and around the world. On October 25, 2001, the Act was passed by the Senate by 98 to 1. The one vote that was in opposition to the act was Senator Russell Feingold. He and other opponents of the law have criticized its detentions of immigrants, and how the law allows enforcement officers to search a home or business without the owner's consent or knowledge. Although he was outnumbered 98 to 1 he still made an extensive impact on the outcome of the Patriot
The prevalence of environmental issues in the public awareness reached a point where government was forced to take action in 1979. When Henry Love abandoned construction of a canal in New York in 1920, the site was bought by Hooker Chemical and used as a toxic chemical waste dumping site for the next 33 years (Schons 2011). Then in 1953 Hooker Chemical sold the Love Canal to the school board, and construction of a school began. In the mid to late 1970s, when children’s shoes began melting to the ground and children got sick the residents organized and protested. Media coverage increased and showed toxic black sludge oozing into people’s basements (Schons 2011). The lack of awareness of environmental and health consequences of chemical dumping
The tragic events of September 11th, 2001 showed the vulnerabilities of this country as a whole, reflecting the lack of attention this nation gave to terrorism. Following September 11th, it was clear that drastic preventative measures needed to be taken in order to avoid reoccurrence of a destructive and deadly act of terrorism (Simon, 2009). As a response to the attacks, The Patriot Act was passed in October of 2001 in order to give federal agencies a substantial increase in power in accessing, monitoring, and examining records and citizens who have been identified as, or could potentially be, risks to this country. This act also allowed federal agents to single out and watch potential individuals labeled as terrorists without evidence linking them to an actual terrorist organization, as well as allowing for an increase in wiretapping phones of potential suspects (Banks, 2010).
Executive Order 13767 was issued January 25, 2017 under the authority of the United State’s president, Donald Trump. The order, Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements, states that the United States is to begin the immediate planning and constructing of a contiguous wall bordering the United States and Mexico. It also demands that the Department of Homeland Security hire an additional 5,000 Border Patrol Agents whenever it becomes practical to secure the wall in order to establish operational control of the barrier. It prioritizes the removal of deportable immigrants charged of any criminal offense and ending the abuse of parole and asylum provisions that prevent the authorized removal of aliens. This order was created to alleviate the threat posed by illegal aliens to national security through the prevention of unlawful entries into the U.S.
Comprehending the underlying authority for the President of the United States to authorize the international use of military operations in order to respond to an attack or as a counter-terrorism strategy, may be difficult to fathom for those who are not familiar with practices and philosophies associated in this realm. Conducting military operations against the Taliban government in Afghanistan, detaining suspected terrorists, both indefinitely domestically and abroad, and the use of unmanned drones to disrupt and destroy suspected terrorists and those aiding them in areas such as Pakistan fall under the umbrella of what the US has been able to accomplish in our last 12 years during the Global War on Terror.
The USA PATRIOT Act was a piece of legislation that was signed into law to address the realities of modern terrorism. The new breed of terrorism was sophisticated and used new technologies that, according to the President, “were not available at the time that the existing laws were written”, he said in his speech during the bill signing press event on October 26. 2001; a fair argument. He said “The bill before me takes account of the new realities and dangers posed by modern terrorists” and the Patriot Act was “an essential step in defeating terrorism while protecting the constitutional rights of all Americans”. But how does the Patriot Act do that? How does it protect the constitutional rights of Americans? How does it help defeat
The one of major media which is standing as the middle in the US, CNN reported this issue critically rather than the middle. I think just because Donald Trump’s executive order caused social disorder and criticism all over the world, and media is more critical of his personality due to his criticism for media. CNN provided viewers a lot of pictures and videos that they reported or was reporting in real time. This way of reporting is effective to let people know what’s really going on both inside of the US and outside. As I learned in the class, The Limited Effect Model can be applied because both those who support and disapprove Trump have strong beliefs and opinions that would not easily be changed by media. Besides, Agenda setting can be
In Macbeth, the two characters ultimately responsible for the murder of King Duncan are Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The concoct the plan and carry it out in order to ascend to the throne. They are equally responsible for the murder. However, their plan relied on the prophecy Macbeth received from three witches: that he would be king regardless of what actions anyone took. While the witches are not directly responsible Duncan’s murder, their proclamation prompted Macbeth into taking action. How accountable are Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, and the witches in the plot to kill Duncan? They each have their own role in the scheme, some characters having a more direct connection.