lthough sharks can dive to a depth of 200 feet, they tend to stay in shallower water. Hunt, blacktip sharks will wait schools of fish to a sharp decline in the ridge or cliff or the ocean, or when there is a change in current water --- these are the areas where schools of fish are more easily captured and eaten. Like other sharks, blacktip sharks love a diverse number of species, are less numerous than their prey and usually are not preyed upon themselves, making them Apex predators.
blacktip shark in abundance in the Gulf of Mexico that there is no limit on the number of bag can fish. The shark meat may rods --- when cooked, has a fishy taste and flaky texture. However, the Environmental Defense Fund recommends that adult men
Blacktip Reef sharks are unique organisms that appear as the way their name describes it. The sharks have black tips on its caudal and dorsal fins, as well as angled saw-like teeth and a round and small snout. Other fins that this fish has is its two pectoral fins, pelvic fin, and an anal fin. These sharks can grow to be six to seven-feet long and have white bellies and dark backs, this allows the shark to disguise itself with the obscured seafloor and the lighter ocean surface.
Nelson Mandela once said “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” This quote explains how we must overcome our fears to become courageous and brave. Joan Bauers realistic fiction short story “The Truth About Sharks” tells us this. One day a girl named Beth a 17 year old girl woke up to what she thought was just going to be an ordinary day. She had to go to the store and grab pants for a party. Sounds like an simple task, but not for Beth. As she was shopping she left all of her belongings in a changing room and was going to look for a shirt. She told a friendly salesperson named Hanne where she was headed. On the way she was
In the study of the main character Beth in the short story “ The Truth about sharks” can determine that the she is a dynamic character because throughout the story Beth’s personality changes. This is shown throughout the story her character changes as the story progresses from a coward to someone who is willing to stand up for herself. In the story Truth about Sharks by Joan Bauer the main character Beth is a weak willed ,lazy person who is forced to wake up in the morning to do chores and get ready for a party later that day. Wanting to buy clothes for the party hastily puts on messy clothes and is pegged as a troublemaker by the security Guard in the store Mitchell Gails. She is seen walking around the store with unpaid clothes she wanted
Most sharks eat their prey whole, or tear off large chunks of flesh at a time.
“No man knows the value of innocence and integrity but he who has lost them.” This compelling quote from William Godwin shows the importance of integrity, guilt, and most importantly, innocence. Innocence, is the exact opposite of guilt, wrong, sin, and disgrace. Joan Bauer is the author of the extraordinary short story, “The Truth About Sharks.” This realistic fiction short story has a shocking ending where the main protagonist, Beth changes her point of view about guilt and innocence. One sunny day, a young girl by the name of Beth traveled one day to “Mitchell Gail’s,” which is her “go to” store. Beth needs to purchase clothes for her Uncle Al’s birthday party. As she browses through clothes she meets a friendly employee whose name is Hannah.
The coloration ranges from pale grey to a dark blackish-brown, making it easier to blend in with its murky surroundings. These sharks are mainly scavengers and usually prey on smaller fish such as skates, eels, herring, and cod. On occasion remains of larger mammals such as seals, moose, polar bears, and reindeer have been found in their stomachs. Its even speculated that these sharks ambush seals, with their ice holes being like beacons. Female Greenland sharks are ovoviviparous, meaning that they retain the developing embryo inside of their bodies to hatch instead of depositing it into the mud. While the gestation period is unknown there are usually 10 pups per litter that are about 90 centimeters long. This shark’s flesh is extremely poisonous due to the presence of the highly toxic chemical trimethylamine oxide (TMAO). The TMAO in the tissues basically acts as a natural antifreeze for the enzymes and proteins in this shark and keeps them from freezing. When the flesh is consumed TMAO is broken down into just trimethylamine. This chemical causes intestinal and neurological distress similar to extreme inebriated. Increased consumption can even lead to
Narrative Thesis: In this painting there are a group of men that are trying to save a boy that is drowning. There is one man on the boat who is trying to get the shark away from the boy with a rod looking object. There are two men who are bending over the rim of the boat trying to get a grab of the boys arms. This scene seems to be happening in the middle of the sea, near a harbor full of ships. I believe the group of men came to rescue the little boy that's drowning and getting attacked by the shark.
Strategy is not easily defined and furthermore the term is not exclusively related to just the business world. We can confidently say strategy is key to survival, not only in business but also in the animal kingdom. All animals under go a process of constant change in their physical appearance and in their behaviour. These changes take place over millions of years and the species that survive, do so because throughout their evolution they have perfected certain strategies that have enabled them to develop more successfully in the environment they inhabit. One such case of this successful development is the great hammerhead shark.
There are 465 known species. The Bull Shark is the first most dangerous Sharks. They hunt during the day and night. The eat almost anything. There are a few sharks that can live and hunt in salt water and fresh water and bull sharks is one of them. They can be anywhere between 7 feet to 11 ½ feet long and weight up to 500 pounds. They are found all over the world and swim up to 25 mph. The second most dangerous shark is the Great White Shark. It can be anywhere from 15 feet to 20 feet long and weight 5000 pounds or more. They are found in cool, coastal waters.The 3rd most dangerous shark is the Tiger Shark. They are also known as the garbage can of the sea cause they will eat anything. Females are bigger than males. They
Initially, data was collected over a thirty year period from the Global Shark Attack File to examine the shark bite prevalence of both provoked and unprovoked shark bites. The data was extracted from the year 1982 up until 2011 and examined shark bite deaths, bites that caused injury, and bites that caused no injury. This study will only examine unprovoked shark bites where someone has chosen to enter ocean and has not done anything to purposefully provoke the shark. Mannerisms that are being considered as a provoking are feeding, encouraging the shark to come closer, and aggravating the shark through close proximity contact. Shark bites that were recorded within physical objects (i.e. surfboard bites and boat bites) were not included in this
After the recent deaths, some researchers are starting to wonder if certain sharks are developing a taste for humans. Jose Leonardo Castillo, chief shark investigator for Mexico's National Fishing Institute, recently announced that he and his colleagues are investigating this possibility, since criminal activity has resulted in bodies being dumped in the areas where the two surfers in Mexico died. It could be that, after repeatedly consuming other human flesh, one or more sharks could associate people with food
Sharks do kill about 15 people each year. People believe that sharks attack us on purpose, but that is not true. Sharks confuse humans for seals. To a shark below the surface of the water, a surfer’s arms look like a seal’s flippers. A wetsuit or surfboard looks like a seal’s hide (skin) or stomach.
Sharks are one of the most feared carnivores in the sea. There are 365 species of of sharks in the sea as we know today. All sharks are carnivores. Most of them eat live fish, including other sharks. A shark's most common natural enemy is an another shark. Most sharks eat their prey whole, or they tear off large chunks of the bodies. Some sharks crush their prey. Others take out small pieces off flesh from large fish. Sharks also feed on dead or dying animals. Sharks have the reputation of attacking human beings. But less than 100 shark attacks a year are reported throughout the world. Sharks are most common in warm seas and oceans. Whale sharks, are the largest shark known to man. Sharks are classified in the order
Did you that sharks are more afraid of us than we are of them.Amazingly sharks can have up to to 3,000 teeth at a time.Some sharks stay in one place when they are little then migrate somewhere else when they get older.Sharks are very unique and interesting sea creatures.This paper will explain low risk,habitat & range,& teeth of a shark.
Beginning with the simplest one-celled organism, an extraordinary animal rose in the murky waters entitled to a non-comparable killing-eating machine. This organism has become nature’s most genuine and most successful creature that it has remained unchanged for over 250 million years. Nature finally invented the perfect king of the sea. This animal has given the sea it’s “living” adjective; in turn, it was entitled—the “great white shark.”