Collin Dufrane
Katrina Festejo
Jun Yu
Aquarium Manual
A. Equipment
1. 10gal Glass Aquarium: Great place for fish and has a great space value for environmental space value for the fish.
2. Power Filter : The use of the filter is to pump the water and keep it filtered for better quality water and keep a healthy environment. The filter works with energy and is auto working when hooked up to a power source constantly flowing water and constantly keeping the water filtered.
3. 20” hood: Provides great lighting for the tank and greatly reduces the chances of water evaporating. Also prevents fish from jumping out of the tank and limits the amount of bacteria to enter the tank.
4. Fluorescent Light (built in the hood): Keeps a well lit environment
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Thermometer: Using a thermometer measures the salinity of the tank accurately.
7. Nets: Nets are used to gather up the fish in a safe manner causing no harm to them and allow for easy transport between tanks.
8. Magnetic Cleaners: Hand free cleans the tank without knocking over decorations or harming the fish.
9. Sea Salt: Used to improve the efficiency of medications and reduce the harmful effects of nitrite.
10. Tap Water: With using tap water the chlorine needs to be removed for it causes harm to the fish and makes the living environment hard on it and isn’t healthy for the fish.
11. Aqueon Water Conditioner: Instantly neutralizes choline and chloramines typically found in tap water, making it safe for fish. Helps in restoring a fish’s slime coat to skin and gills. (Caused by netting and transporting fish.)
12. API Quick Start (nitrifying bacteria): Allows instant addition of fish. Contains live, nitrifying bacteria to immediately start the aquarium cycle.
13. Crushed Coral (gravel): It is specifically blended for optimum chemical and biological performance. Helps maintain proper pH and is free of harmful impurities.
14. Hydrometer: measures the salinity in the
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Live Rock: Rocks that has dead, washed up coral and other organisms living on the rocks. Live rock is the foundation of an aquarium. It also establishes biological filtration which helps keep the tank fresh. Live rocks should always remain in the tank (Skomal, n.d).
2. Damselfish: Approximately about 1 damselfish should live in a 10 gallon aquarium. Ammonia levels can increase and cause aggression to the fish, so only a small amount of fish should be in the 10 gallon tank (5 Freshwater Invertebrates For The Aquarium, n.d.).
3. 2-3 invertebrates: Hermit crabs are great for the aquarium because they can scavenge for food as well as help keep the tank clean. They eat waste and other undesirable organisms. The Nerita snail would be a wanted snail within your tank because they are the most ideal in controlling algae (5 Freshwater Invertebrates For The Aquarium, n.d.).
4. Algae: In order to maintain algae you must not use any unnatural chemicals that could harm the marine life. Having many organism is most ideal because they can feed off the algae while keeping it in control. Good algae is usually food for the marine life and the algae can range from all sorts of colors, but green is the best. Nuisance algae is when the algae can contaminate the water and kill the life within the waters (Tetra,
Innovative design technology has taken over the huge market for aquariums today, which now come fitted with electrical circuity of the best kind, plugs, filtration and oxygenation systems, besides temperature control devices to raise or lower the heat in the water! The enviable choice in lighting for tanks enables an owner today to invest in automatic or mechanical switches besides automated feeders to ensure fish are fed in time besides a host of other accessories that make community living a comfortable option for fish owners looking for variety in aquatic
Oyster reefs, giant populations of oysters, provide habitats for many other types of organisms such as worms, snails, sea squirts, sponges, small crabs, and fishes.
I believe that the opportunity of going to 6th grade camp, offered by the Mayville Middle School, has helped prepare me for the future. One reason why I think 6th grade camp has prepared me for the future is because it got me out of my comfort zone. Going to 6th grade camp, I did many things I probably wouldn’t be ordinarily comfortable with. This helps me prepare for the future because it made me be able to go out and try things that I would regularly do. Another reason why it has helped prepare me for the future is it made me see things that wouldn’t could be a new interest. For example, some kids may have never been able to ride a horse until 6th grade camp. They might really enjoy it and find an interest in it. The final reason is, that
Obviously, one of the principal things you will need to do is a little research. You can take a gander at books, go on the web or to your nearby fish store to see the alternatives accessible to you in fish and plant choice for your saltwater angle tank. There are many decisions that you can make with regards to picking fish. These saltwater angles arrive in an assortment of hues like blue, red, yellow, darker, orange, even rainbow. They likewise arrive in an assortment of shapes, some are level, some are round, some long, and some are short. Notwithstanding the great fish choice, there is likewise an assortment of coral and reef determinations that you can add to your saltwater angle tank that include intrigue, magnificence, and life to your tank. These plants likewise arrive in an assortment of shapes, sizes, and hues too.
Tap water does not have to taste like chlorine or sulfur, in fact, it tastes just as good if not better than bottled water. Fresh, clean water is not a rare commodity to come by these days. In fact, living in the U.S. we have the great privilege of having safe, great tasting water straight from the tap at given whim. No matter the composite make-up of the ground we pull it from, there are endless amounts of filters and purifiers at our disposal to even make water with high sulfur and iron concentrations taste good. Today it is now more ideal for people to grab their re/usable water bottle, fill it up with ice and water from the fridge, and head out for the day. Now you can find any water fountain, or even go into a restaurant with a drink station, and fill up with water; as most restaurants will not mind if you just fill up on some water.
In Lake Erie, there is out-of-control algae growth that created dead zones. The problem has become critical in the western Lake because of harmful chemicals. Contaminants in fish certainly are causing health problems. At present, the solution is to make
Yes tap water is the right choice most bottled water is dirty tap water is clean .most people in the town were supporting
The concept of coaching originated in the context of sport however has been applied within the business environment throughout the past twenty years.
cleanliness of it is different depending on where you live, but it is no different from bottled water because you do not really know where they take this water from that they are selling to us. Another myth is that bottled water tastes better than tap water, but honestly, you really can not tell the difference when you pour the water the water through a filter. It is best for you to run your tap water through your kitchen filter for more a more safer choice
Anadromous fishes reproduce in freshwater then their progeny migrate to the ocean where they grow and mature then return to freshwater to reproduce. These fishes encounter numerous barriers during their freshwater migration. Migration barriers (e.g. dams, water storage projects, irrigation diversions, impassable culverts, etc.) are significant factors affecting most anadromous fish populations. The primary effects of barriers on anadromous fishes are the reduction of their population abundance and productivity through excessive mortality, and reduction in habitat quantity and quality (NMFS, 2008).
Generally these are the rocks or other solid decorations that you aquascape your aquarium with. African Cichlid tanks should have a very rocky hardscape. Before you hardscape your African Cichlid aquarium, there some things you need to think
If you own an aquarium that is designed to increase the aesthetic value of your space or that was created to let you enjoy the beauty of tropical and other fish, finding the best possible lighting to really show off your collection is important. Many fish lovers spend hundreds or even thousands on their aquariums choosing the perfect fish and the perfect tank décor to look interesting, appealing, and exotic. It only makes sense, then, that you would want lighting that really showcases your fish and that lets you see everything inside your tank, including under rocks and plants. LED aquarium lights can be absolutely perfect for this.
What many people do not know, though, is how wrong all of this is. Goldfish can live for up to 20 years, but they often die prematurely due to being kept in bowls or small tanks. It is recommended that double-tailed goldfish (the type suited for aquariums) still have 20 gallons of water for each fish. This is
The world of art is a bridge, a bubble that connects and interacts with many aspects of the world and the lives of others very effectively. Arts reach into the eyes, the heart, and the soul of a human and bring out a multitude of thoughts, emotions, ideas, analysis, desires, and this list of what art is capable of doing goes on. It is important to recognize that art cannot be null and void from the aspects of anyone’s life, and exclusion of art is simply not an option, it would be one of the most difficult ideas to put into practice. Behind every person, be they great or be they mediocre, there is a path of art to be followed that has inspired them, and led them to where they find themselves in the present. Life must occur with art in it somewhere, and throughout life, art will spring forth from the minds of those who have been touched by that which came before them.
Nevertheless, even as a beginner, you must not forget to maintain your aquatic ecosystem in a good condition. Whether you will do it yourself or ask your local aquarium maintenance specialist, do not forget that: