The word “millennium” comes from the Latin words that mean 1,000 years. “Various theological proposals have been offered to explain this passage from Rev. 20 as well as various other Scriptures that might be taken to speak to the same issue.” (Brand, 2003). There are many different views of the “millennium.” To get an understanding of how Revelation 20:1-6 should be interpreted, the reader must decide which millennium view that accept. It is amazing how people who attend Bible believing and teaching churches will view differently the view of the millennium. There are three different beliefs with regard to the millennium: amillennialism, postmillennialism, and premillennialism. Ammillennialism means “no kingdom” – that is, there …show more content…
The angel is about to being what is called the millennium reign of Christ. The victory of Christ and the church is a prophetic event that still has not happened. Daniel 2:35, “Then the iron, the fired clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were shattered and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors. The wind carried them away, and not a trace of them could be found. But the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.” Revelation 20:2 says, “He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent who is the Devil and
Satan, and bound him for 1,000 years.” “Robert Mounce observes, “The purpose of the confinement is not punishment, but it is to prevent him from deceiving the nations. The elaborate measures taken to insure his custody are most easily understood as implying the complete cessation of his influence on earth, rather than a curbing of his activities.” (Hindson,
2012). There are numerous scripture about Satan’s current activity. 1 Peter 5:8 says, “Be serious! Be alert! Your adversary the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour.” Satan is at work right now around everyone. He devours the
We talk about “doing” the will of God, but the will of God has much more to do with “being” than “doing”. It’s not about being in the right place at the right time; it’s about being the right person, even if you find yourself in the wrong circumstances (pg 30)”.
1. “that the hand of Providence had done all this, for the purpose- of restoring the young
Almost one thousand years later, after eons of peace in Greece, a new prophecy arose. The Oracle uttered the Great Prophecy, an omen of the future, for no other could see the future like it.
The length of time a person has attended church has nothing to do with their level of
The final project is the submission an annotated bibliography based upon the above conceptual perspective outlined in the project description for your selected project or paper. An annotated bibliography is a list of the references you will be using to support your perspective. Each reference annotation will have below it an annotation which identifies the topic of the study, what the strengths and weaknesses of the study are, and how does it contribute to your interest in the topic.
Christians’ relationship to the Old Testament has been an issue that has attracted huge concern across the globe. This issue has generated much controversy because of the various misunderstandings across both sides of the spectrum. In essence, there are Christians who believe that the Old Testament law is biding to all believers while others think that they are not bound by this law. There are some Christians who argue that the Old Testament law is not binding to believers except the Ten Commandments whereas others state that the ceremonial law has been eradicated. The confusion regarding Christians’ relationship to the Old Testament is also fueled by the fact that there are many laws that seem to be part of this religion. Moreover, the Old Testament is associated with complexities, which makes them to find it confusing, wordy, and cumbersome .
Come, devil, for thee is this world given." He has given up and welcomes the devil.
To articulate my theological view of scripture, I will address Scripture as broken yet beautiful, then express how I read and interpret sacred texts, given the need to understand the author’s intent, the historical context, and a Christocentric hermeneutic. This will be followed by the aim of reading scripture, which is not simply for orthodox doctrine, but for right living. Although Scripture is primary, it is not the only way God speaks to humanity, thus I will address the Spirit, tradition, creation, and experience as other sources of insight. Despite this integrated approach to scripture and theology, it is not foolproof or necessarily correct. Therefore, I will end this section with a discussion of knowledge and how we understand truth, grounded in the epistemological paradigm of practical
The book of Hebrews was written by a Christian scholar and not by one of the Gospels. I knew that many authors made up the New Testament but I did not know scholars wrote some books a well. Hebrews writer was someone who linked the Hebrew Bible along with Greek philosophy. The writer never identifies himself but his views on the end times were very strong. He assumes that there is an existence of two parallel worlds: the eternal and the perfect realm of spirits. This is something that I have never heard before. This writer is the only person to speak of Jesus as the mediator between God and humanity. He has so much insight on what was happening or what was to happen but we do not know who this person was. Hebrew is written very differently and some of the
In editing this book, Clouse hoped "that these [four] articles [and responses would] aid the serious student of Scripture in formulating his or her own conclusions concerning the interpretation of the millennium."
Oftentimes, the devil is depicted as an evil deity sitting in the depths of a burning pit, plotting the demise of mankind and creating all the evils that are in the world. However, in The Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis, using a series of letters from an experienced tempter to his protégé, makes the case that this is false. He portrays the devils as a perverted spirit, the opposite of a guardian angel. Unlike God who truly loves man and embraces his individuality, the devil’s main objective is to cultivate humans for food, consuming their uniqueness. “We want cattle who can finally become food… we want to suck in… we are empty and would be filled”[i] Screwtape, the demonic mentor of Wormwood, writes bluntly in his letter in Chapter 8. In their
This essay will argue that the eschatology of the Book of Revelation forms an integral part of John’s attempt within the pages of his book to form a literary world in which the forms, figures, and forces of the earthly realm are critiqued and unmasked through the re-focalization of existence from the perspective of heaven. It will attempt to show that, in response to the social, political, religious, and economic circumstances of his readers, the Book of Revelation forms a counter imaginative reality. Through drawing upon an inaugurated sense of eschatology and evocative imagery, John is able to pull the reader in and show them the true face of the imperial world and consequences of its ideology, forcing the reader allegiance to fall
The book of Revelation was written by the apostle John, in an apocalyptic literature style. It consists of a series of prophecies about the end times, when Jesus will return and triumph over all the evil residing in the world. Its purpose is to bring hope and encouragement to Christians so that they will continue watching for the return and victory of Jesus Christ, but it is also a warning of the Final Judgment that nonbelievers will endure. The depiction of the cosmic battle that takes place both in heaven and on earth, symbolic language, and introduction of surreal
Satan comes to man with his temptations as an angel of light, as he came to Christ. He has been working to bring man into a condition of physical and moral weakness, that he may overcome him with his temptations, and then triumph over his ruin. ...He well knows that it is impossible for man to discharge his obligations to God and to his fellow-men, while he impairs the faculties God has given him. The brain is the capital of the body... pg. 236
In a way, Satan's rebellion is reminiscent of Plato's "The Allegory of the Cave." It can be argued that Satan has come to realize that he has other options and has the option of breaking free from ignorance. "The allure of free will is where the attractiveness and power of Satan's character lies" (Zeng). Satan is an individual who wants to break others from their ignorance and will do so by appealing to their reason and encouraging them to make their own decisions (Plato). Moreover, Satan did not force Eve to eat the Forbidden Fruit as Eve contends before eating it, "Our reason is our Law" (Milton Book IX line 654). Additionally, Satan is not described by Milton as someone that forceful, but rather is repeatedly referred to as "The Tempter" (Book IX, line 665).