If we don’t stand up for others,who will be left to stand up for us? There could be differences in incomes and those who know how to defend themselves are strong, but those who stand up for others are stronger. Fighting for others rights is very important just like Rosa Parks said “I learned over the years that when one’s mind is made up, the diminishes fear”. When you stand up for someone it builds long term loyalty, trust credibility. It gives people a confidence boost. However, you shouldn't defend other people’s actions in all circumstances. People stand up for other peoples rights because they know what should be supported for example bad decisions like robbing a bank, second because they know there values and what they are willing to …show more content…
You will look bad because you're defending someone who has done something genuinely wrong. But in other circumstances everyone has a right to claim what are their rights. There can be so much injustice in the world for which we all know is been happening until the day of today. Sometimes it can be difficult because you don’t know wether to stand up or if you shouldn’t. First you gotta know what are your values, and what you are willing to stand up for and what you aren’t. Equal doesn’t mean that we are all the same. Each and everyone of us is special in our own unique way. We are equal but doesn’t mean that we all have to believe the same things. There might be people who will understand and support you but that doesn’t take the fact that they believe in something you don't. We just have to know what we are willing to risk and what to stand up. Rosa Parks stood up for the rights of African Americans. Rosa Parks refused to stand up and give her seat up to a white passenger, and she ended up arrested. This incident happened on December 1, 1955. It was unfair that African Americans didn't have the same rights as the whites. What Rosa Parks did to get the chance to have the same rights as a white was that she started a bus
On Thursday December 1, 1955 Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man. She was on the bus taking a ride home and a man came up and told her to move. She refused to because their are many more seats. The man told her to move to the back where black people belong. Rosa simply replied that her feet hurt and didn't want to. This started the movement for all black people being inspired.
In December of 1955, Rosa Parks sat in the front of the bus and refused to give up her seat to a white male. She was later arrested and put in jail. This caused the black people of Montgomery to initiate a boycott, the refusal to use the services of the bus company. They did this in order to gain
For that reason many people believe that the best thing to do is “play possum” and wait for the conflict to fix itself. However, they are wrong. When faced with a conflict it is important to stand up for your beliefs. To explain, “What all these victims need above all is to know that they are not alone; that we are not forgetting them, that when their voices are stifled we shall lend them ours, that while their freedom depends on ours, the quality of our freedom depends on theirs” (Wiesel 418). Here, Wiesel explains that one’s freedom can depend on someone else speaking up for what they believe in. One’s ability to speak up can influence a vast number of things and even help them avoid making bad decisions. For example, “Certainly, courage is sometimes a matter of life and death” (Courage as a Skill). It is important to be courageous and speak your mind because it can save others from making choices that will affect them negatively later. Standing up for what you believe in is not just a small thing, it can mean the difference between life and
When we are very young, we are encouraged to follow our hearts and stand up for our beliefs. In our childhood, movies and books enforced this message by telling us that having courage and standing up for what we believe in is the right thing to do. But when we grow up, that all changes. The law takes precedence over our morals, even if the law doesn’t follow them.
That, however, did not apply to Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks experienced the same thing that Martin Luther King Jr. and other African-Americans experienced during the Civil Rights Movement; she had to go through the same things every other African-American experienced, such as sitting at the back of the bus. On buses, African-Americans and Americans had different sections to sit in: African-Americans were forced to sit in the back seats, while Americans had the benefit of sitting at the front of the bus. One day, Rosa Parks, an African-American, had enough pride in herself to sit at the front of the bus. When she was told to move by an American who wanted her seat, she refused. Despite being sent to jail for her actions, Rosa Parks performed a small act of pride that had the biggest impact. The pride she held for her race spoke out to everyone, whatever the race or gender, which makes Rosa Parks such a critical historical figure.
The African Americans were forced to sit in the back while the white could sit anywhere, even take their seat away if their isn't any left. One day, a African American named Rosa Parks refused to sit in the back of the bus and was sent to jail for her acts of civil disobedience. The reason she was sent to jail was for her act of breaking the rules, but her acting disobedience lead to boycotts and launched to the freedom and justice for African Americans. The reason for Rosa Parks stood up for herself and others. She helped others receive the same treatment as the whites do. Even though she risked herself by breaking rules and she was sent to jail. The people who were against her thought she broke a rule and she labeled her a disobedience, but instead she broke the line between the African Americans and whites. Rosa Parks was served as a symbol of what is possible to stand up, even if she was the only one
Rosa Parks faced a lot of challenges in her life like being african american.Challenges she had to face was like being called discrimination words.Rosa was pushed around because she was african american.If a white person wanted something she owned she pretty much had to give it to them.White people could go out and kill a black person if they wanted to and not get even a little bit if trouble for it.
On Thursday evening December 1, 1955, Rosa boards a Montgomery City Bus to go home after a long day working as a seamstress. She walks back to the section for blacks, and takes a seat. The law stated that they could sit there if no White people were standing. Rosa parks never liked segregation rules and has been fighting against them for more than ten years in the NAACP, but until then had never broke any of the unjust rules. As the bus stops at more places, more white people enter the bus, all the seats in the “White Only” section was filled and the bus driver orders Rosa’s row to move to the back of the bus, they all moved, accept Rosa. She was arrested and fined for violating a city regulation. This act of defiance began a movement that ended legal Segregation in America, and made her an inspiration to freedom devoted people everywhere.
Rosa Parks had a significant impact on the lives of many Americans by saying “no” she, stood up for what she believed in by sitting down. Parks was told to move from her seat in the front of the bus, she refused to move so the police arrested her on December 1, 1955. But by that one action she changed the life of many people in the south. Rosa Parks has had a significant impact on the lives of Americans because she helped get rid of segregation in the south, she was a big part in the civil rights movement, and she was the main reason why the Montgomery Bus Boycott started.
During the time of the civil rights movement there was one lady who was courageous enough to stop going along with what the law says and her name was Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks was one of the few women who did not want to go along with the movement and wanted to stop it, however she was the only one who actually stood up. Rosa Parks was born on February 4, 1913. She is nationally recognized as the “mother of the modern day civil rights movement” in America.It all began when she was heading home while being on a bus. Her courageous act that she did marked the end of the segregation movement. The act that inspired others to boycott was refusing to surrender her seat to a white person since there weren't enough seats and other white people were already standing up. During that time, there were only about ten seats that were available for the colored people and the white people were the priorities first. If there was a colored person sitting on a seat while meanwhile there is a white person standing up, the colored person had to stand up and surrender his seat to the white person. Even though the colored people did not like it, they had to follow the law or if they didn’t then they would have to end up in jail and pay their fine.
To begin with, standing up for what you believe automatically puts you in the controversial position of an activist: someone fighting against higher ruling. Some activists you may know are Martin Luther King Jr and W.E.B. Dubois. They fought for civil rights for African Americans, and they got what they deserved: equality. Without the actions of these pioneers of civil rights, we may still be living in the worst era of the 20th century. Furthermore, having activism in our world, we would not have advanced towards the state we are in today. Being self-aware has brought us to a time in our world, a time that is helping us enhance our environment to our societal, political, and cultural needs.
Standing up for what you believe in not only impacts yourself, but others as well. From beliefs to ideas, standing up for them is really important. Standing up for what you believe has also changed our history as we know it, for example, Martin Luther King Jr and the Civil Rights Movement, or Cesar Chavez on improving the treatment of workers.
Rosa Parks is known for her pride, stubbornness, and her refusal to give up her seat to a white male. In the early 1900’s, African Americans were treated different than other races. Like trash. They had to serve the “white man” and live their lives completing actions in the Caucasians liking, and dealing with extreme racism. At the time of this incident, many African Americans were searching for the same freedom, respect, and fairness that the whites received. Rosa Parks gave many blacks the sense of pride they were looking for. On December 1st, 1955 the section of seats for the whites’ on the bus were filled. Rosa Parks sat in the row behind the white section with 3 other African American individuals. Many have the misconception that she was
It might come easy for others to stand up for what they believe in, but for some it’s not exactly a walk in the park.Although it takes a lot of courage, it’s really important to stand up for your beliefs because you never know how big of an impact or difference you can make in this world.
Rosa Parks was known for her unplanned act of defiance that lead to the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955 (Dudley 258). The attributes that she contributed to Civil Rights was her commitment to the cause, her positive attitude, and her ability to inspire others. Rosa Parks had got onto a public bus after a long day of work, and her feet were hurting, so she decided to sit in the white section. The white people complained and the bus driver told her if she did not get up, then she would be arrested. Nevertheless, with Rosa Park’s refusal to get up, it led to her arrest. Due to her commitment to the cause she stood up for racial equality, and though all of the turmoil she encountered she kept a positive attitude. Her ability to inspire others was remarkable, therefore it led to the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The boycott was due to the fact that African Americans were exasperated due to the fact that they were not being treated equally. This then led to all African Americans walking to and from wherever they were