America has so many issues but she also has so many good things like its diversity. America is so diverse with all different types ethnicity. This what makes America so great that it's a place where everyone can live together. Their might be small problems with racial disputes, but in the end we all get along and this is what I think makes America great. America might be perfect to some people but America has its problems. A major problem for America is the national debt. National debt is a horrible thing to be in it makes us accessible for attack by foreign countries. I hope America can raise some money and end our national debt
America isn't perfect by any means, and a lot of things that happen here aren't fair whatsoever, but nowhere in the word is perfect. Not alot of countries in the world have a democracy, or get to vote for their president, or even have choices and opportunities for what they want to do with their life. Sometimes, you have to take life for what it is and be thankful, it could always be worse than what it is. Being an American is being able to dream, & having the opportunities to make your dream a
America, is a great place, most of the time. There were a couple bad moments in our history. For example, the trail of tears. It was when americans pushed tons of indians off their land. Everything was great for the so called 5 civilized tribes.
Much has changed from the beginning of America to the 21st century. Most people in early American times were white, spoke English, Christian, and had straight marriages. Now, America consists of different ethnicities, sexualities, and religions. Some people believe that the U.S. is a “melting pot”, while others believe that individuality and diversity are becoming more prevalent in society. In recent years, diversity is much more appreciated than it was in the past.
There are several instituting concepts that for me illustrate the founding principles of America and the hopeful vision of the future of this country. There are those that stood out for me during my research for this assignment and resonated with my feelings and understanding of the country at large. First and foremost is Life Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness; this sentiment is to me the very cornerstone of the hope of America’s inception. Given this principles self explanatory nature I will concentrate on the other founding concepts that have meaning to me. First of these would be the thought of benefiting from one’s own hard work, second is the inalienable rights of man, and lastly the concept of the least possible government being
America offers so much to the people who live in the U.S., but America will always be full of criticism, violence, and people who are offended by everything. America still seems to manage to be one of the world's best nations. The first Americans planned America to be as successful as it is, but for America to be more peaceful. America is not one of the most peaceful places, but it is not the most dangerous place to live. Even political parties lie and cheat each other. A lot of the Americans are greedy, because they take advantages of what America offers to their citizens. Even though America is not perfect I am still glad to live in the U.S.
In the essay “What’s so great about America” by Dinesh D’Souza, the India born author shares his experience while living in America. D’Souza first starts his essay saying “Here is a country where everything works”(D’Souza 237-238), everything from the highway sign to properly working public toilets. He also emphasized how overwhelmed an immigrant can find themselves while visiting a supermarket for the first time. D’Souza then compares America to most countries today that does not have the most basic of health care products like deodorant which “is unavailable in much of the Third World”. New immigrants and people all over the world are witnessing the lifestyle of the poor in America living well, other
Americans have been breaded to believe America is the greatest country in the world. America is a place of the freedom and possibilities, an outside looking in a very desirable place to live. However, America is not as great as Americans believe. Sure Americans have a wider range of freedom then most countries, but has plenty of issues that will repulse others from coming to the land of the free. Issues such as women’s rights, racism, and discrimination plague U.S. citizens nearly each day and that should change now.
People from back then were a lot better with finding different ways to do thing if that first way didn't work. They didn't have anything do it for them they also were not as modern so they didn't have machines do it for them.
In one time, William McKinley manifested “Expositions are the timekeepers of progress,” inspiring America that the workflow will be presented graciously. Reaching to the years of massive expansions, America had grown tremendously with goods and services. During the late 1890s, President McKinley urged Americans to transformed America into the greatest powerful nation in the whole world. In preparing for a strong nation, the Spanish-American War had enclosed their attainments due to tensions between Spain and United States. American had its victories and forwarded the Treaty of Paris which had control over several foreign countries. After the war, United States focused on up warding their nation. America’s progression of new
America is a wonderful place to live, because we are free. Freedom is important, and many people in other countries do not have much freedom. I am glad I have a place like this to grow up in; where I know that I can be equal with other races and other genders. Also, I am glad I have a place like this that will respect me and I know it will be a great place to have my children grow up in.
The United States is one of the most powerful countries in the world. Although right now, we are trying to get up from a big fall. In my opinion, our country has many problems that I think we can solve including health care, immigration, and foreign affairs. Americans want them solved. That way, we can live in a safe and powerful country, and we can restore the American Dream.
A long, long time ago in a country not so far away, the king and queen of Spain decided they wanted to find a better way to get to China in order to have many more splendid robes. Back in the olden days, the Silk Road in China was popular. Anybody who was anybody wanted to find a way to get there by sea. What better way to exert superiority than to send an explorer in search of the first water route to Asia? So, the king and queen gave this important job to a young explorer by the name of Christopher Columbus. The poor man was so terrible at directions, he landed on a completely new continent that was certainly not Asia. Columbus decided to name this new land “America.” Soon after telling of his discovery, several European nations began settling in the New World. The only problem they faced, other than new diseases and famine for the first few years, was the natives that were already living there. What started out as a peaceful
America was once a nation of happiness, diversity, and freedom. We would be known for our good citizenship, and as I grow older and realize that America is not as great as it once was, but I also start to realize that hatred towards either other countries or other people. I hope one day we can all open our eyes to understand that if we keep trying to tell other people that “USA is the best country” we won't improve. But I'm going to share with you what made America great.
Why do I believe America is a great nation? America’s greatness comes from our freedom, our people, and our First Amendment Rights of religion, speech, press and assembly.
The America I believe in has none of the problems that America has as of today. There will be a better and more pleasant way of life. A couple of problems with America are unequal rights even though we are all supposed to be equal, homelessness, poverty, and low job availability. There are many more issues we could correct and do better at but these are just a few.