
Exercise Case Study

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As the chart above shows, she remained relatively the same on all tests, but her percent fat increased. This could be due to an error in measurement on my part. I educated her on the importance of meeting the 150-min/week minimum of aerobic exercise. With her being able to dedicate 4 days a week to working out, this would allocate about 40 minutes to aerobic activities each day at the gym. She enjoys the elliptical so I said she could do that and mix in the treadmill and biking. I told her to keep her RPE in the moderate to vigorous intensity levels, which is around a 12-17 on the 6-20 scale. I also guided her with some exercises for her core strength and some arm and leg workouts with light free weights. At our last meeting she said she …show more content…

Muscular fitness assessments give a baseline physical fitness level that can be helpful in finding weakness in certain muscle groups. It can also help to design an individualized exercise prescription. Muscular strength tests can show how strength gains over time. An example test would be the grip test. Muscular endurance shows the “ability of a muscle group to execute repeated muscle actions over a period of time sufficient to cause muscle fatigue (ACSM, 2018).” An example test would be pushups to failure. Flexibility assessments tell you the ability of a joint to move through its complete range of motion. An example test would be a Range of Motion exam using a goniometer. Finally, body composition tells you the “relative percentage of body mass that is fat and fat-free tissue (ACSM, 2018).” An example of this would be doing a skin fold examination.
• Functional exercise testing is a way to examine the physical limitations of the older populations with mobility limitations. These are often called physical performance tests. Physical performance tests require little space, equipment, and cost and are considered extremely safe in healthy and clinical populations (ACSM, 2018). Some example functional tests are the 6-minute walk test, the timed up and go test, 30-second chair test, two minute step test, and the sit and reach. These measure an

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